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OMG Bit i just checked out your profile!! OH MY GOD you freakin totally rock!!!!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif You need to be my teacher!!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
Hey Jungle_Cat..TY so much!! I think you ROCK!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_redface.gif -
You guys ROCK!! TY so much for your comments and encouragement!! It’s nice to have a place to feel a part of!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
Hi amcut! I’ve been having computer issues…I will try to upload that vid today, a friend of mine is coming over to check out my computer….he runs a repair business from home. Will let you know when I can get it up!!
TY Jungle_Cat! By the way Joel is 48 LOL…I’m older than him! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
I Love it! I have been teaching basic pole fitness for about 4 months now, I go to my clients homes. My husband came up with the suggestion of renovating our garage into to a small studio because we would not have all of the expenses of leasing and when there’s slow or down time it would not be a financial burden. It also will keep cost down to the client/student. There are NO STUDIOS in this entire state…Veena can attest to that she used to live here! LOL I also work part time as a group fitness instructor and a circuit coach…so I’m looking into the numbers on this right now. I have some regular students now…I also have my website up and running…it’s not on-line teaching, just info and contact information. Good luck to you!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_salut.gif
I had the same problem (I thought part of it was being old! LOL). My son taught me his wrist exercises from hockey because it addresses the movements and rotation as well as building strength in wrists and forearms. I did a quick instructional video but my hubby deleted it (accidentally)…I plan on doing another in the morning and posting it. It really did help me immensely…I have no problem at all now! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
I have a lil mynx brushed stainless steel pro pole….I have never had any problems with it…I’ve been using it for two years and I love it….when I was researching poles it was and still is endorsed and recommended by Fawnia Mondey…it’s the poles she uses in her studio. It’s important to follow the instructions exactly for setting it up….it’s no different than the x-pole that way (which I have one of those as well) You need to make sure you are checking it after a few uses because of the settling…and making sure when you are screwing it to the height you need that you are not pulling it at the same time, that applies to both poles when they are not permanently mounted….it is possible to have a faulty mechanism but it’s rare. I advocate for both poles….they are the best out there! Good luck to you!!
I haven’t been able to be as active on this site as I’d like…but I need to put my 2 cents out there! When I found Veena on youtube the first time, I was so impressed and taken with her beauty and grace on the pole…Veena you encouraged me when I barely started and wanted to give up! I have had to fight people’s negativity ever since I started poling….I was horribly bashed on Youtube…but it was YOU, Veena that complimented me on my efforts and encouraged me to keep going, I have never forgotten and am forever grateful to you! The encouraging words you gave me made me more confident and helped raise my self esteem. I still encounter people especially where I live that think it’s HORRIBLE at my age to be doing poling….I have been able to hold my head up and smile because I am proud to be 53 years young and able to hang upside down on a POLE!!! LOL I have started a business now teaching basic pole fitness and I love it! Though I’m not that good I can still teach and the students I have love it! Veena you can check out my website itsallaboutyoufitnessandpolefun.vpweb.com …it’s not totally complete yet but YOU were my role model…without you and your gift of giving and supporting others I would not have had to courage to do it! THANK YOU so very much!! And to the ladies on this site…THANK YOU as well…I have felt so welcomed and your positive comments have been greatly appreciated…YOU ALL FREAKIN ROCK!!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_salut.gif
Cali…I echo pretty much what everyone else has said…my 1st marriage was like that, I thought I would die without him. I didn’t…I didn’t understand any of it until I became a practicing alcoholic/addict myself after we were separated and divorced(That’s how I dealt with it!). It wasn’t until I sobered up and got clean that it became very clear to me what he was doing to me and the behavior you have described is addictive behavior! You can not fix it or him and IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!!! There is life after divorce! I got clean and met my present husband….I have been clean and sober for 28 years now..over half my life, and I have been married now for 27 years…The support groups that have been mentioned are absolutely wonderful…they helped me (AL-ANON) put the responsibility where it belonged, it helped me rid myself of guilt that wasn’t mine…most importantly it helped me heal, mentally, emotionally and spiritually…because what he’s doing to you breaks you down and takes your strength and power from you, so TAKE IT BACK…you can with support! There is rainbow at the end of a storm, there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow!! Many HUGZ to your and your children!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
OK! I think I have everybody beat here! LOL I’m 53…starting teaching myself when I was 51….a dancer I’m not! But it’s fun and has helped me immensely with my weight training…I’m hoping to be able to do my first Figure Bodybuilding Comp in Nov. I have no athletic or dance background whatsoever haha….I have two adult children, my daughter is 26 and my son is 23. I’ve been married for 28 years now. Let’s see…I’m 5′ 5.5" tall…I just posted a video from Jan 2008…I had just turned 52 Dec 07…so not poling a year yet when I made it. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_salut.gif
All week I havn’t been able to get a good practice in since the Kids are on spring break. We had nasty weather the pass few days , so they couldnt go out. I just dont feel comfortable to practice when they are here , due to the fact that they want to sit and watch and keep walking through the room. I Just completely loose my focus on what I am trying to do. Well today is a nice day out the sun is shining, and they still wanted to stay in…lol. Well I chased them out , thinking I will finally get a good practice in and work on a few new moves. I thought wrong I got on the pole and its like I no strength or grib .
There is so much I want to learn … and I see how others are learning things so fast. Sometimes I wonder if it may be my age since I am 37 and thats why its taking me longer to master things. I still cant climb the pole and its been at least 6 to 7 weeks now. I do manage to pull up and sit for a second, but cant hold it. I do know that my legs are much stronger then my arms. I been reading alot on about the pole-burn and maybe that is scaring me some.
Well tomorrow is another nice day , so I will be kicking the kids out again and hopfully I will get a good practice in. Trust me I am not giving up , this is something I always wanted to do..You are doing FANTASTIC! I am 53 and I started poling at 51 (self taught..no spotter, no crash mat..with a hardwood floor! LOL) There are many things I can’t do, but I’m not going to stop trying..there are also many things I can do…so for me itz all good! Just keep going and give yourself time…I teach a 24 yo basics and she after 3 months still can not climb..but we focus on what she can do!! We are all different and learn at our own pace!! *HUGZ* https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
I do my own waxing…It’s not that hard…I do my own full brazillian LOL My husband thinks it’s hilarious that I’m that flexible! HaHa…any way I use salon quality wax and non woven strips…I buy the applicators at walmart in the craft section because they’re less expensive. Basically make sure the hair isn’t longer than 1/4 inch other wise you need to trim it. make sure you don’t have lotion on and use a very light dusting of talc or baby powder to protect the skin. Just do small sections at at time because it doesn’t take any longer and usually does a better job. Because ingrown hairs can be a problem with waxing there is an inexpensive product you can get in salons or order on line called PFB Vanish…fantastic stuff it just rolls on after waxing and I usually use it a few days before as well. Any other questions just message me and I’ll try to explain more! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
MemberFebruary 25, 2009 at 4:24 pm in reply to: I think I’m going to be off the pole for a while/permanentlyI really hope you don’t give up pole! I can totally relate to what your saying, and Veena is right. I have no bg at all in either athletics or dance…I started working out 1 month b4 I turned 50! I started pole dancing at 51, I’m now 53 and still can’t do a lot on the pole.but it’s ok, because it makes me feel good and it’s my time with just myself. I watch all these young women that seem to just have a natural talent for poling, but you know what…I’m good at some things too, maybe not poling so much…but it doesn’t matter because at least I’m still trying and I am not trying to be a dancer…I do it for me! I have had a lot of awful comments as well when I had vids up…like take your old saggy ass off that pole…or go back to the nursing home and get your cane back! LOL some people just are so unhappy that they want to take everyone else down with them. I love what my grandma used to say to people…"your opinion is of no CASH value to me!" HaHa…anyway I think you get the picture, bottom line is how does it make you feel overall? Poling makes me feel a little sexy again even if I can’t do all that stuff…and I gave up on trying shoulder mounts and splits , and the superman…etc. but you know what? THAT’S OK! I just have fun! So don’t quit!!
YW! I was glad I thought o call my friend because I was so frustrated!! Good luck and let me know how it goes!!
Hi Sascha! When I went to put up my x-pole for the first time, I had a stud finder (an expensive one!) but it still couldn’t really find the stud! I called a friend who owns a contracting company, he’s a carpenter. He told me that ceilings that have a roof over them have many other metals and stuff in them because they are actually called "stringers" not joists, joists are in a ceiling if there is a another floor above that ceiling. Well any way my point is that it’s not always accurate with a stud finder in that situation, and if your ceiling is plaster and not sheet rock, your reading is usually a false reading. He told me to find out which way the stringer runs, then measure from the outside wall (which would be where my window is) over and mark off every 16 inches (in the US) until I find where I wanted to put my pole. That’s how I had to do it. He recommends that’s the way it should be done to prevent damage to the ceiling. Hope this helps hun, cause it probably wasn’t your stud finder!