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I love the idea of this book! I would like to see something for those of us that have our own studio. I was not able to gain access in any existing facility here to “Rent” some space from them. Most of our gyms/fitness facilities are owned by the major hospital, colleges, and the few in the private sector still believe it teaching women to strip for our only gentleman’s club in town! LOL
As for S.C.O.R.E, here they were not helpful at all! They set me up with a mentor (that was 5 years ago) and all he did when we talked about what I was planning, was hand me a packet and said to read it and fill out a business plan! I asked several times to have my questions answered on allot of the “How to do it”, what needed to be included, what was I missing etc! I had to research and try to speak with local business people, (which were not to helpful, they didn’t want any part of what I was doing, even in conversation!) I couldn’t get a loan because of the type of business. I started with $131 in cash, (all the money I had!) and 3 personal credit cards. I am coming up on my 4th year in a physical studio this November 8th. It has been, and still is a challenge on a daily basis. Because it is service based and not tangible product like retail, it presents it’s own unique challenges.
I would have received my 1st paycheck last year, but had so many issues in my previous space with the management and other businesses. I had to negotiate out of my lease to move. I’m in a temp space now, my new space will be completed hopefully by October1! I have a better landlord without all of the previous issues, and he is building it to suit my needs! I’m hoping for a paycheck by the end of this year! 🙂
WOW! I don’t have a policy regarding instructors mingling/playing with the students. I do it! LOL My instructors always pole with students that are their friends. When they are off duty they can do whatever they want. My instructors have taught their friends at home just because they are friends and want to pole together. I would much rather people learn from someone who knows what they’re doing, it also says allot for me and my business! No problem here!! Pole on!!! 🙂
I give instructors a policy manual, and an instructors book with curriculum containing all levels. along with a break down of exercises relevant to the class lessons. It is very thorough. I also do hands on continued training. This enables consistency for the students. If someone is out ill, another instructor can step in to teach and know exactly what the lesson is and what they’ve already covered. It has been very successful for us. 🙂 Note, my instructors are all employees though.
Thanks for you input Charley! I have been in business for 3.5 years now, and it’s just been recently and just a few ladies that are wanting alcohol. I am very clear about my policy prior to them even booking. I’ve just been running in to it from women from or around the Twin city area (about 3.5 hours from here). Some go to a studio that allows it. I just politely decline to book them and suggest they book with that studio. I am busy enough with classes and long term students, and am fortunate enough that my business does not need to depend on parties to make it. 🙂
MariYabe, I have never done groupons or any of that. My classes are the main source of revenue for my studio. My classes stay at the very least at the minimum numbers required. My summers don’t fluctuate as much as the gyms do. Since I focus more on the students and the quality of the program, I don’t need to depend on parties. I have a “Fit N Fun” class for drop ins that I developed which has been a HUGE success. those classes I usually get long term students from because they want to move into a level class.
I was told by one person that her boss (studio owner, I don’t know where or what studio), stated she didn’t tell her insurance when they asked if there would be alcohol allowed that she does it, she told the instructor they’ll never know. Don’t know if that’s a true statement, but it sure could cause more difficulty and higher insurance premiums for those of us that are compliant!). 🙂
I know events/comps serve alcohol, the places they rent are perfectly legal to do that. sparrow, that is HILARIOUS!!!! I think it’s safe to drink and watch vids!! LOL 🙂
I make it very clear when a party is booked, the contract states that they will not be allowed to pole if they have been drinking or using. I haven’t had a problem since the 2nd party I ever had where I refused to hold the party because they had been drinking and a few were pretty loaded, they were asked to leave and the authorities were notified to protect my butt (I was not going to be responsible for them getting picked up when they weren’t drinking at my studio). It was not a problem, it’s my business and my lively hood. Parties are good money, however no amount of money is worth risking my reputation and my business. 🙂
Alcohol without a license in any commercial property is illegal here (I checked with the state when I opened, it made it easier to deal with ladies that insisted LOL) Even a business after hours that has say an office party is liable and responsible if someone is stopped by police after leaving there office and they’ve been drinking. I prefer to leave that to the local club.
I don’t drink, so that’;s never been an issue for me.
I have taught them the very basic fundamentals. The walk to show them how to maintain a neutral wrist position, they remember the feeling. Basically making sure the fundamentals of balance and coordination which are learned from the very “intro” to pole moves. From then we move on, as I’ve found most men I’ve worked with are fit, however their core is weak, they will admit that after a few pole exercises! I spoke with David C. Owen (stellarmotion)and Joel (Poledancefan) for tips on working with men. So far it has worked well. Strength based is their favorite, but as David stated, they still need the Basic foundation. 🙂
MemberApril 28, 2014 at 8:08 am in reply to: conflict of interest for instructor to visit competition?Oh ME, also yes, the 1st few attorneys I checked out didn’t tell me anything about IC’s!! 🙂
MemberApril 28, 2014 at 8:05 am in reply to: conflict of interest for instructor to visit competition?Mary Ellyn, if your referral to LB was me, just want to clarify! I’m not a CPA or an Attorney, I have them on retainer for my business. People need to spend the money for that constant expert advice. I didn’t in the very beginning, I believe I could have avoided some things I ran into. Have had my butt covered for 3 years. It is probably one of the most important investments to make!! 🙂 The CPA that I eventually hired DOES specialize in tax law, it took awhile to find her and an attorney that specialized in state business law.
MemberApril 27, 2014 at 12:16 pm in reply to: conflict of interest for instructor to visit competition?Thanks Mary Ellyn! I have both a CPA and an attorney! My info regarding Independent Contractors was from a previous experience before I had my studio. I was hired to be a group fitness cardio instructor, as a IC. They scheduled to the classes took the payments etc. I was in training at the time with them, it was one of the most Elite Women’s gyms here at the time. I was unable to teach do to my knee. The point is, when I asked several gyms here how that worked they told me that’s how it worked. Since they had been in business for years, I accepted that! They said an IC is like any other, you need a plumber you hire one, they are IC, you need a contractor for an addition on your home, you hire one, they are not your employee. That is TRUE to those particular professions! NOT IN THE SERVICE INDUSTRY!( and fitness, zumba, any of that PT, etc falls under IC with 21 points to be met) at least not in North Dakota! I got myself quite an education through my own experience. The state was very lenient with me, I’m GRATEFUL for that!! They did not do damage to me that they could have. 🙂
MemberApril 27, 2014 at 11:21 am in reply to: conflict of interest for instructor to visit competition?Thanks poledanceromance for your input! You addressed some of the issue with training for comps. I am the 1st pole studio in the state of North Dakota, I have been open almost 4 years now, one other studio opened about a year after me 3 hours away. Because we are in our infancy here, we do not have access like larger cities. We also can not afford to bring in comp qualified people. We hope at some point in our growth that pros will want to come here to teach. You could say that we are not “really” a part of the pole “community” as no one except David C. Owen and “Veena” (Julie, who are both dear friends) have supported our studio by coming here. Though I do not provide that level of training, I work more than full time to provide the BEST I can in safe teaching to and for my instructors and students. Location, population, interest, and finance all play a factor in what I as a studio am able to provide. Cheers! 🙂
MemberApril 27, 2014 at 9:43 am in reply to: conflict of interest for instructor to visit competition?Candi Pole, as far as training for competitions, if I have a student that is interested, I recommend a comp coach. I am not a competitor. I’m not by any means discounting your feelings/frustrations 🙂 However if you look at bodybuilding for example, gyms in general don’t specialize in training for comps for bikini, figure, fitness, or bodybuilding. They give recommendations for private coaches, and it is a HUGE investment (here some of the private coaches for BB start at $1500 for a month of training). The one on one time involved and diet, nutrition are also factors.
I know for myself my studio is just helping open up the world of pole for ladies in my community, to get a great workout, have fun, and meet other women they can share this with. I would love to see some pole professionals address this topic. There are a few studios in the US that DO specifically train for comps. I don’t, and do not advertise that I do. I think when someone is looking for a studio, they need to ask allot of questions, and make it known specifically what their needs are. Best of luck to you! Happy poling! 🙂
MemberApril 25, 2014 at 4:00 pm in reply to: conflict of interest for instructor to visit competition?One thing I like about my state is that it’s “A right to work” state. You can try to have a non compete agreement but it won’t hold up in court here! LOL I don’t make my employees sign a non compete, I feel everyone should have a right to do what is the best fit for them. My employment agreement is pretty simple, show up 15 minutes early to get your materials ready, teach the curriculum provided (I wrote all of it for each level, so that way when an instructor needs to fill in for someone that’s off or ill, they can pick up the book and know who should be there and what the lesson is for that day.), and collect when needed, tidy the classroom, restock it, and report any issues to me. This stuff with stealing or coping I think is ridiculous, because we all learned from someone or somewhere, even those of us that learned on our own saw it somewhere. I teach Veena’s method for the most part, that is the highest compliment I feel I can pay someone. I would also except it as such and not a slap in the face.
I am not as “involved” in the “community” as I once was, I don’t have time for petty stuff that does take place. I focus all my time and energy into my students and staff 🙂 Charley if you ever make it to Fargo, North Dakota you MUST drop in!!