Forum Replies Created
Veena, I’m planning to come out this year!!! 🙂 Happy New Year to you, Webby and the boys!!!!
MemberDecember 31, 2013 at 6:15 pm in reply to: Happy Anniversary to Veena and Webmaster!!!Thank You Veena!!! It’s been a great bday so far! 58 is GREAT!!!! MISS YOU TOO!!! Hopefully we’ll see you in the New Year, the ladies want a chair workshop! lol and I just want to hang out and pole!!!! MUAH!!!
I can not believe all the bashing regarding a “Dress Code”. I have supported all types of pole, and it really saddens me to read such mean things within the community. This is the last post I will make, as I don’t feel the need to insult, put down, or otherwise try to make someone do things or think the way I do. A dress code in my studio is for the SAFETY of the students and the instructors! ie; YOU will not learn a pole sit in capris or yoga pants, because skin contact is essential. You will NOT learn crucifix or a climb in them, because skin contact is essential. I will NOT allow you to invert in pants and a tee shirt because skin contact is essential.
The women that come to my studio are self conscious, have been intimidated at gyms, and other fitness classes. They DO NOT want to bare their skin, therefore it is necessary to tell them before they EVER start a 1st class, that this is the very least they need to be able to do, is wear shorts, a sports bra and tank top if they choose to learn these things. The majority of women that take classes are larger, it is my job and the instructors to get them to the point of being comfortable in their own skin, once we have accomplished that and helped them raise their self esteem, to let them know they ARE beautiful just the way they are, they will come into their own. It is my job to help them on that journey, not to force them to do something they are not ready for. That’s the compassion that comes with the territory. I CARE very much for these women and RESPECT their choices for THEMSELVES, not what I might believe is right for them. I have never had a problem with cheeky shorts, Veena has performed at my studio and is one of the sexiest, sensual polers I know. Peace 🙂
The posing suits in BB comps, are just that, for posing, not dancing. They are sprayed with adhesive to hold in place. The Fitness BB comp portion is a costume that meets criteria for gymnastics type moves/performance of physique, strength, agility/flexibility. The Fitness portion wears a posing suit only when not performing. I know many bodybuilding women, and have assisted them back stage for their comps. Note that depending on the comp, ie; NPC, or IFBB (just to name a few) and where it’s located has a specific dress code as well. Some do not allow Brazilian bottom cut for example. They have been fighting a battle with dress codes since the 1st comp that allowed women in!
Our main concern was gaping shorts. We had to deal with that early on. The students complained about 2 ladies, I witnessed it once it was brought to my attention. Though I’ve seen thousands of crotches in my nursing career, pole instruction is not one place I care to experience that! I did speak with the ladies privately. So to avoid anyones discomfort including the person it affects, we state in the 1st class intro about form fitting bottoms. I think that IS appropriate. We have a few ladies that wear Bad Kitty, I have some myself. I do not have a problem as long as it doesn’t open up, in other words just make sure your pole clothes fit properly. 🙂 Problem solved!!
AerialGypsy, we would like to believe that it would be obvious, but there a always those few that it’s not. You know those WARNING labels on products, well it’s because someone has either thought of doing it, or has done it! LOL you would think that wouldn’t happen. 😀
I apologize in advance, but this thread made me laugh (I tend to find humor in everything!). What I found so funny was the fact that there appear to be “Assumptions” as to just the wording “Dress Code”. Not ONE person has asked what the dress code is. YES, my studio has a “Dress Code”.
It is as follows, Students need to wear comfortable “workout” clothing for their first class, week 2 you will need shorts to allow skin contact with the pole (many ladies are SO UNCOMFORTABLE yet with the idea of even shorts, so I have to let them know up front ahead of time so they aren’t shocked). Once we start basic invert you will need to make sure you have a sports bra for skin contact on your torso. You will not be allowed to invert without a solid point of contact (this is for their safety so they don’t slip or slide when they are learning). Bathing suits ARE allowed for those ladies as robinb has mentioned for something that fits them comfortably. Graduation videos they can wear whatever they like as long as we don’t have to see lady bits! If someone has shorts gaping when their legs are spred and it exposes them in my or an instructors face, I will speak to them privately about wearing panties with their shorts/bottoms. I am a retired nurse and know how to be discreet. By the time the ladies are more advanced they come in and throw on pole shorts, rip of their shirts down to a sports bra and are ready to kick it! I have never had a problem with someone leaving due to a “Dress Code”.I still have students that started with me 3 years ago, I have excellent retention, and they keep bringing more people in, I NEVER have to advertise, it’s all word of mouth, So what I do works for us 🙂 Happy Poling!!!! “The End”
FoolsErrand, thank you for your response! As a retired nurse I thought that might be a possibility. When I had to assist male patients for example, they didn’t want me to help them in the bathroom etc. 🙂
I have tried to do Co-ed several times, due to men asking for it, HOWEVER, when I offer the classes they never show up!! I spoke candidly with a few that had been in touch with me begging for classes, here’s what surprised me! Men are just as self conscious as women…the 2 men I spoke with said they were a bit unsettled that they would have to wear shorts (NOT the baggy loose to or over the knee)!, and would prefer an all male class, I found that really interesting! I would totally love to hear from men that do pole and what their thoughts/feelings are on this topic, in particular when they 1st started. Getting some insight from our male counterparts would help in creating a class that they could feel more comfortable in. I did discover that it’s more the younger men that have never worn fitted shorts, they have grown up with the pants loose and half way down the BUTT! LOL
MemberDecember 6, 2013 at 7:23 am in reply to: Have you ever met someone in person from SV?I have met and am friends with “Veena”, Stellarmotion (David C.Owen), Ty, Fluuer (Amber Richards), Fuzzynavel (Katie),Maureen M., Judy from the Girl Spot, Poledance fan (Joel), Glitterhips (Diana), and a few others. Veena, David, and Katie have been here a few times!
MemberOctober 11, 2013 at 8:53 pm in reply to: I need your help with pole fitness market researchI'm in North Dakota, totalwoman@hotmail.com
I am a studio owner. We have a maximum of two students per pole. I keep classes small, though I have 5 poles for class, my class max is 8 students. I also have another instructor with me. NO ONE is ever left out. Our Highly advanced classes have fewer students with one instructor. My curriculum is very structured. I have level classes, and the only drop in is my "Fit N Fun" classes. That works well for those that are either not sure if they want to commit, or have no desire to invert. They are still taught everything that is viable from the floor. I also do not tolerate attitude.
I have been doing it this way the 3 years I've been in business. No one has left, or complained. I structured it this way for a few reasons. 1) It helps myself and the other instructor make sure they are doing things correct, and with proper form and points of contact. 2) It encourages and supports a sense of belonging, and eases the nervousness in just a few classes. 3) It helps with SAFETY. and allows us (instructors) to pay close attention to the individual needs of each student. If I feel someone is having difficulty and won't speak up, I will schedule a time with them to come in and visit/work with them so they get that extra help. Our students have homework. They are given a packet the 1st day of class of exercises that they need to do at home between their class and open pole time. Students are given the "Student Policy and Expectations" handout on day so there is NO doubt what I expect from them in my studio, and yes it may sound strict, but delivering a good program, and a safe one, it's important that there are no misunderstandings between myself/instructors and the students. We DO have allot of fun, we cheer for every effort made no matter how big or small.
Alexa, I'm sorry this has happened to you! I love it when our students get the opportunity to go to another studio! There are so many variations of what we all do! I encourage it! and have students ask me if there is a studio where they are traveling to. They know I will give them info! I also promote studioveena to all of our students! I can only offer/do so much in classes, so I feel the program that is on SV is very beneficial! Also, we are unable to provide workshops for the most part because allot of people either won't come to north Dakota, or ask outrageous prices and compensation. We are still building our business, and try to keep cost reasonable. I am embarrassed by this type of behavior by a business. We will never reach our common goal until we can embrace and support each other, which is why I generally keep to myself and stay out of the controversy and drama. I agree, Alexa, if this is not something you want or are comfortable with, then SV and Skype is a wonderful option!!! (((Hugs))).
I started my studio with $131. cash and 3 credit cards, there was no funding available for my kind of business! LOL I started with a really small space, 387 sq ft. I now have 1500. Most of my debt is paid off now, so I should be able to get a paycheck by the end of this year! I didn't do a partner because you really have to trust that person, you need to know they are going to work as hard as you! I didn't pursue an investor because they expect a return right away, which isn't going to happen immediately! I have no business background, but have learned through trial and error and learning as much as I can along the way. I run my business myself, all the finances, bookkeeping, payroll, etc. I put in 12 + hours a day normally, and work 7 days a week. I also teach classes and private students. I have 4 instructors and 2 apprentices right now. I do not do independent contractors, it doesn't work for me, I'm a stickler about how students are taught, proper sequence, proper form, conditioning, strength training and stretching, as well as safety!! It has worked for me quite well, it has allowed consistency and that way when an instructor can't work, someone can fill in and just go to the book for that class curriculum and pick up without any problem! I have been in business for almost 3 years now! Good luck to you, I wish you much success!!!! 🙂
Veena's lessons are a MUST!!! Even if your an experienced poler you can benefit from them! I own a studio and purchase them a year at a time because I use the information and technique to not only stay updated, but also as a tool to train new instructors!! These lessons are invaluable!!!