Forum Replies Created
MemberJanuary 17, 2012 at 9:01 am in reply to: New Website for Ladies over 45 who are passionate about polepaunobs! Don't feel bad about being 49…it's onlu a number! U'm 56 and PROUD of it!! I didn't hesitate to be a part of rhe group or the video…I have the body I never had when I was in my 20's, 30's or 40's!!! Hold your head high girl cause we are coming into our own!!!!
MemberJanuary 16, 2012 at 5:33 pm in reply to: New Website for Ladies over 45 who are passionate about poleTY Marilyn for including me in your video!!! The ladies are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
I have lived now for 56 years, and have never seen such awful behavior come from an "ADULT". We live in a land of opportunity, we all have the right to choose. Now, having said that, I generally don't comment on things such as this because in my oponion it does not behove me to feed a negative fire. I only have one thing to say, PP, I don't know why you feel the need to behave like a "Bully" on a playground, It has been my experience that persons such as yourself have many underlying issues to feel the need to "attack" rather than discuss in a civilized manner. You have a right to your opinion as we all do, however with that right comes a responsibilty to be respectful; in your presentation of that opinion.
An opinion is just that…Definition, a view, a judgement, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter. Belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge.
The wonderful thing about that is, that I can respect an opinion but, I have the right to disagree, and can do so without lowering my standards by acting as a mature adult. You have stated a few times that you are a "paid" member,
#1 membership here is free…you may pay for lessons (correct me if I've mis-stated),
#2 There are guidelines that have been set forth for being a member on SV, and we have "ALL" agreed to abide by them.
So by making the statement that you are a "PAID" member, that does not give one the right to "BULLY", your statements have veered from topic disscussion of products to name calling, and the fine line border of slander. Plese do yourself a favor? Re-evaluate how you present yourself and your opinions.
SV has been the only "Safe" haven for many to express themselves, to have a comfortable place to share their passion when the "mainstream" population is still in the dark ages with judgements. name calling etc. because of our passion for Pole in any form. I for one would not have persued my interest/passion without SV and it's members encouraging me to continue. I can honestly say that I don't agree with everyone on here on every topic, but the point is I RESPECT their opinions and we can still get along!! The "pole" community thrives through solidarity and compassion….I for one will help to keep it that way! So, by all means, share your thoughts and opinions….but please do so with grace and dignity. Peace 🙂
NO STUDENT POLES IN MY STUDIO WITHOUT USING A CRASH MAT!!!! If someone would refuse I would ask them to leave!
Not only is it REQUIRED by my insurance carrier, but if I didn't and there was an incident it INVALIDATES my insurance coverage! I STRESS SAFETY, if you come to my studio you WILL do it my way or not at all!! I care enough about my students to and their well being to keep them physically safe…yes you can still get injured, but with a mat and a spotter the trauma is less.
After you have learned and mastered the move and I personally approve you, then you may invert without with a spotter. It is for the STUDENTS SAFETY and so I can stay in Business to continue to provide qulity pole to the community!! 🙂
Even though my instructors were my students, they still had to properly prepare for an interview. Then they had to do a mock class wirh me. Professional is always best…NO JEANS, and have pole clothes with just un case!
Not all of them will have the same defects…the point is in manufacturing if there is one little thing that doesn't meet specs they can't sell them at regular price. TJ Maxx and Burlinton Coat factory are just a few places that get slightly imperfect items, so they can sell them inexpensively! I love those stores!! I am very happy with my mat!!
I got my 2nd one from Amazon, it's a Yoga direct mat. Thay are factory seconds, but still work! The velcro doesn't reach far enough to close, or it has heated seams (spliced together instead of a whole piece)…but I just added an extention and VIOLA! That's why they are less expensive!
Veena and https://www.studioveena.com/users/view/bc5974aa-d89d-11df-ab19-12313b090e12 are right. You can shape/sclupt your body but nutrition is extremely impotant and is different for bulking verses toning. And the reps/weight ratio is critical! AWESOME advice ladies!!
Myself I don't worry about that. I have all of my routines etc. trademarked. The form they sign when they come to a class states the legalities of using "Total Woman's" format etc. I had it written up by a lawyer to protect my programs. I do understand that people will still try to "copy" what I do, but I feel better knowing that I can go after them legally. Most people here are afraid to try anything like that as we are a small community and for the most part we respect each others rights. I know most of the instructors in town and we get along pretty well. I also believe that if I keep providing the type of atmosphere I do, the ladies will keep coming back. 🙂 Good Luck to you. I agree that a conversation with this person could benefit you both!
Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!!
MemberOctober 13, 2011 at 1:27 pm in reply to: very first day poling, leg and tummy strengthening suggestions on the poleHi Vander! I would strongly reccomend getting Veena's lessons, they are invaluable and she updates them frequently! They have everything you need from the very beginning to your advanced moves!!! Happy Poling!!
I own a studio and anyone that would come in as a Independent contractor MUST carry liability insurance. POLE specific! I do not use IC because they can schedule their own time and have to bring in their own students, I can not regulate them in any way shape or form. I can not collect ,omey for them, and we must have a IC agreement on the percentage they will pay me for use of my studio space. Found that out the hard way when the state came after me. I went on info from other people. Check with your states Job Service website, it has every piece of info you need regarding being an independent contractor, and what defines you as one and what you are required by law to provide.
Gon't know why my words mis spelled!! I didn't nis spell them! LOL