Forum Replies Created

  • phoenix1986

    May 15, 2012 at 5:34 am in reply to: Wow Inspiration!!!

    Wow, thank you so much for sharing this! It really puts things back to where they belong. All those little issues we keep worrying about are nothing in comparison to what this man has achieved. Breaking down all the limits in our heads first really seems to be the only thing that matters on the way to success. This video truly reminded me never to underestimate the power of my own will and to stay on my path – no matter how long I'll have to follow it to reach my goals. Thx again for this wonderful inspiration!

  • phoenix1986

    March 18, 2012 at 5:21 am in reply to: Advice on taking pole classes in a studio

    So, now I'm reunited with my laptop (sorry, but I just hate writing stuff on my mobile phone :o/)…

    Awww, ladies you are all absolutely wonderful – thanks for all the answers!

    Ewa Tran – thank you so much for your kind offer, that's incredibly sweet of you! I'm really looking forward to watch that vid.

    polefairy21 – your classes start with a meditation part?! How cool is that?

    AmazonLady and Kobajo84 – you both had very interesting points. I'll try talking to the instructors when I'm doing the trial class.

    AmazonLady – how does that "unlimited monthly version" work? I mean, they still have a limited number of poles.. Do you have to sign up beforehand or can you just show up for a class?

  • phoenix1986

    March 15, 2012 at 1:29 pm in reply to: Advice on taking pole classes in a studio

    sensualscimitar, I thought so as well. :o/ But pole isn't that popular here yet, and it's the first studio in Upper Austria. I guess without some competition they can pretty much charge whatever they want??! Some of their special workshops are 60Euro/90min..

    I'd even prefer signing a contract binding me for a year or so to paying full price for every level. I've come to love this sport and I hardly think thats gonna change within a few months.

  • phoenix1986

    March 15, 2012 at 12:19 pm in reply to: Advice on taking pole classes in a studio

    Thank you so much for your answers – they've all been really helpful!

    @Tiffany2587: I searched the studio's website and found out that they do offer trial classes like you mentioned. Great tip, I'll definitely sign up for one! Hopefully I'll be able to say a lot more about their teaching style after this experience.. Concerning my upper body strength – I promised myself to be able to do Veena's pole strength routine with ease before taking any class at all.. hehe. And, as you said, a couple of extra push ups and pull ups here and there won't hurt either.

    @Ewa Tran: your studio sounds amazing, those instructors must be really good!!! Love the idea of all the prep work before inverting. That's one of my biggest concerns – being rushed into moves like that without being mentally and/or physically ready for them. I think I'd rather sit an exercise out than try something I'm not comfortable with or even afraid of. Listening to my body has really become my first principle over the past few months.

    I'm very interested in the floorwork and dance stuff as well. So glad that the classes don't seem to be tricks-only. In a couple of weeks the same studio is going to offer lap dance / chair / strip lessons as well. Oh boy, all those temptations!!

  • phoenix1986

    March 14, 2012 at 7:41 am in reply to: Advice on taking pole classes in a studio


  • phoenix1986

    March 9, 2012 at 3:16 am in reply to: has anyone tried the lulu mat?

    Have you checked out the other LuLu Mats? Unfortunately they are all so freakin' expensive.. :o/

    The last one is pretty crazy though (maximum fall height 10m (!).. Guess it's just for professional dancers..

    Oh, and thanks Webmaster for the useful Google converter tip!


  • phoenix1986

    January 11, 2012 at 3:24 pm in reply to: Anyone else having this problem?

    @ luvlee: how cool is that?! i didn't even know anyone of you guys was (however) related to this site. i just tripped over the shirts and found them hilarious – and so true! what a nice story how they came into being!

    i actually consider ordering one – but i guess the shipping might be more expensive than the shirt itself..

    concerning the pics: when you post something there is a "picture"-icon next to the smiley-icon.. i guess that's it (never tried it myself though..)


  • phoenix1986

    January 11, 2012 at 8:54 am in reply to: Anyone else having this problem?

    i guess loads of people have faced problems like this… a really cute result:

  • phoenix1986

    December 28, 2011 at 3:47 am in reply to: Need advice on upper body strength excersises..

    hey there!

    i'm a beginner too and i started with literally NO upper body strength (slowly improving).. imo it's really hard to find good vids on yt, but i really like this one:

    (i hope, the link works – if not google "FGF upper body workout full") .. the lower body workout rocks as well! i like that the instructor tells you how to keep good form during the exercises and that she explains how to do everything safely (e.g. to prevent damage to your knees..)

    searching the sv forum for relevant threads is always helpful – i'm sure there is a lot to find as well!


  • phoenix1986

    November 22, 2011 at 6:09 am in reply to: Where did your nickname come from???

    Hey guys.. I really enjoyed reading all your stories!

    Well, here is mine – my nickname is quite a personal one I guess.. I’ll start off with the easy part “1986” – this is the year in which I was born.  The “phoenix” needs a little bit more explanation..

    On the one hand I like the idea of reincarnation and the never-ending cycle of life. That good and bad times alternate and that death is just another part of life.

    On the other hand I feel like a “phoenix rising from the ashes” myself, my newly started pole journey being another milestone in this process. For me it’s a way of getting in touch with myself and it allows me to love, respect and accept myself (apart from simply being a lot of fun! ).

    Concerning the "ashes"… I’ve had a pretty rough time in the past years. In sum I’m talking about a really difficult childhood culminating in a nervous breakdown at the age of 19. After that I wanted to change something, found myself a therapist and slowly started working everything out. Meanwhile I additionally put loads of efforts into an extremely exhausting 5-year relationship. My ex-boyfriend had a bunch of problems as well and constantly tried to pass the responsibility for his life on to me – I helped where I could, always excusing his aggressive behaviour towards me with his familial background of violence and alcoholism. We lived together, which added a huge household to my duties – along with a full-time study (the university being three hours away from where I lived) and several part-time jobs. Taking care of my horse was one of the few fun parts in those days..

    When I finally ended the relationship I felt more than relieved. It took me all these years to recognize that life doesn’t need to be that hard and that you simply can’t solve other peoples’ problems. Back then I regarded every finding which hadn’t been painfully earned as worthless. Now I know that life can actually be loads of fun..

    A couple of months ago I got to know the most wonderful man and I really love him. Everything just IS with him – I’ve never felt like this before.  On top of that I’m about to finish my education. My relationship to my parents has improved so much and I really love them (always have, btw.. )

    Right now the phoenix in me just feels like spreading its wings and taking off. Everything seems possible right now! I’m very grateful for all the stuff which has happened in my life so far – otherwise I wouldn’t have learned so much or become the person I am.

    Well, that was my story. Thanks for reading.


  • phoenix1986

    November 10, 2011 at 4:08 pm in reply to: unable to buy lessons?

    Hi Webmaster!

    Thx for the reply.. I guess the Walmart card is no option for me – as I don't live in the US. My debit card doesn't work in this case either (no Visa or Mastercard logo).

    Sending the money to StudioVeena's email adress via my account would be the only possibility (at least according to the PayPal guys). If that's not ok with you, I'll have to get a credit card..

    None of these obstacles will keep me from signing up for the lessons!

  • phoenix1986

    November 9, 2011 at 8:14 pm in reply to: unable to buy lessons?

    Hey guys!

    Sorry for digging up such an old thread… but it totally matches my problems, and because of that I didn't want to open a new one.

    I have a PayPal issue as well – I'm new to it and created the account just to be able to pay for Veena's Lessons. I have already transferred money to the account because I don't own a credit card. According to Veena's posting this should be sufficient, but during the checkout process the site doesn't allow me to skip the step in which I have to choose  the mentioned "just in case" cc. I click the icon and nothing whatsoever happens! >_<

    Is it possible to do the transaction directly from my PayPal account and not via As far as I have understood it, I would only need an email adress to which I can send the money..??

    Do you have any ideas on this? Some advice would be greatly appreciated!

  • phoenix1986

    November 7, 2011 at 11:08 am in reply to: Hello from Austria.. :o)

    Hi folks!

    Thx for the lovely welcomes!

    @ englann86: wow, I'm pretty impressed by you being an orchestral musician! I really do love music – but much more on the receiving end .. I'm not exactly talented in this section (as a kid I couldn't carry a tune to save my life.. hehe.. fortunately this improved a little bit)

    What kind of instrument do you play?

    @ Polecat88: I hear you – getting a job in our field can be quite tough..; Yet, as I'm pretty much into cancer genetics and immunology, it might be a little bit easier… ???

    Well, I'll definitely be able to say much more about this after having successfully landed a PhD-position *alreadykeepingmyfingerscrossed* (for both of us!!)

    omg something came out wrong here… of course I know that a lot of ladies in their 30s, 40s, 50s… do amazing stuff on a pole! I just meant giving myself those years to become good enough to proceed to the more advanced pole tricks.. considering my present (in-)flexibility I guess I should really count in "years"

    Joining the chat tonight would be really cool (very nice of you to mention it!), but I need to work


    ps: I'd totally recommend visiting Salzburg one day – I went to university there and IMO the city is absolutely charming!