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  • PoleAdventures

    February 17, 2021 at 4:47 pm in reply to: Powder Coated Woes…Still!

    Has the pole a “rough” surface or is it a smooth surface? If it is rough, then you have a powder coated finish that is used with clothes.
    But I think the smooth powder coated pole should not led to bleeding skin.

  • PoleAdventures

    February 17, 2021 at 2:55 pm in reply to: Powder Coated Woes…Still!

    Hey Katie

    I think powder coated poles are not meant to dance with skin, instead to dance in clothes. Although there are different powder coated poles, but if your skin is bleeding that is not what we want.
    For dancing with skin contact you willl better use a titanium gold or brass pole. See Veenas extra video with tipp for all the different pole finish.

  • PoleAdventures

    February 3, 2021 at 12:06 pm in reply to: Ayesha 30 day program?

    Really interested

  • PoleAdventures

    November 29, 2020 at 9:15 am in reply to: New programs?

    There was one “I” too many πŸ™‚

  • PoleAdventures

    November 29, 2020 at 9:14 am in reply to: New programs?

    Thanks for the reply Veena.
    And most important….whatever you do, it is great and I take your time to do it!
    Thanks for all your work on SV 💜

  • PoleAdventures

    November 10, 2020 at 8:11 pm in reply to: New programs?

    Hey Veena

    I found this old post of mine and came up with an idea. Veena, how about if you occasionally wrote about what you are working on or what will be new on Studio Veena in the near future?
    It doesn’t really matter whether these are big or small things, I would be interested in what you’re working on in general. Like a small, short diary for us Veeners, or like a mini blog. For example a short monthly update.
    Ah and by the way, I miss the Veena’s tips videos, they were always great too. Are you doing this again?

  • PoleAdventures

    November 2, 2020 at 2:05 pm in reply to: Pleaser boot sizing

    Hey Dusty Rose
    I have very small feet and I first struggeled too with pole dance shoes.
    I ordered a whole number smaller than I usually wear. Also I found out that not all models are fitting my feet. Some models like the pleaser flamingo are very narrow and fit my feet very well, while other models do not fit well. For me personal with small and narrow feet I found out that the sandal model like flamingo fits much better than closed with open toes models.
    Another tip from me is to try the shoes from “fabulicious”. They have lots of similar model like pleaser and they fit also very well on my small feet.

  • PoleAdventures

    September 6, 2019 at 1:25 pm in reply to: More Productive Trick Training Sessions – Any Tips?

    StrangeFox you know I’m not a professianl poler and train only at home without classes, but i can share my training and tips with you from my 3 years experienca with home training.

    My schedule is mostly this:

    -Warmup (for this I use the app 7(Seven). This is a 7 minutes HIIT like training that includes a huge variation of exercises. I love the variety and I’m ever fully warm with this one.

    -Strength moves/exercises. I do at least 5 different strength moves like knee tucks, straddle leg lifts on pole, shoulder mount prep exercises, leg lifts on the ground, split grip exercises, caterpillar climbs, competition climbs, climb overs…. (or other depending on your level). I do at least 2 sets with 5 reps.

    -Tricks (includes all like spins, tricks etc) there I pick 3-5 tricks I’m currently working on. I do it about 5 times on EACH side.

    -Tricks I already can but I would like to smooth out (do this at the end of your training because you need not the concentration as for the new ones you learn). Or I freestyle dance at this time.

    -Cooldown with stretching.

    Generall tips:

    * EVER train the full moves with entry and end. You can gain a lot of strength and skill if you train the whole moves and not only for example the holding part of a spin.

    * Train both sides, you gain lot more strength you need later!

    * I ever write down little handy notes for my upcoming training. (like tiny square student scribbling blocks)

    * I change my strength moves every two weeks and write that down in a journal. So I’m working on different areas.

    Hope that helps you πŸ™‚


  • PoleAdventures

    May 27, 2019 at 11:15 am in reply to: Struggle with Ballerina

    Thanks amelia!
    What is a crucifix twist? The normal crucifix then go to the side and forward? If you mean this, thats really not a problem form me (neither forward fold flexibility in general).

  • PoleAdventures

    May 23, 2019 at 11:44 am in reply to: Struggle with Ballerina

    So what spin should I record? I think I start with the juliet or reverse grab, ballerina is hard to see what the hell I’m trying lol πŸ™‚ While trying the ballerina I don’t understand how my body should go past the pole with hips and shoulders. when I try this from standing, only a “dry” try….I cannot reach my upper arm to the pole AND normally hold an upright position like in your videos. I feel like I’m in a strange way knotted around that pole πŸ˜‰
    I ever feel like I’m totally lacking of strength on this moves, while I can easy pull up myself on the pole or climbing.

  • Strange Fox, let me share my experience:
    It CAN be that is a physical restriction, or, it’s a psychical restriction. I had both of them with certain moves.
    For example I experienced my back is not very supportive when it comes to moves with a lot of backbending and floorwork for example shoulder rolls. I pole about 3 years and I stretch a lot. I nearly have my splits (started overmy 30ies, so it needed lot of time), I’m flexible in my shoulders but not in my back. So I really struggle with backbendy moves and all things floorwork like shoulderrolls. I try those moves in between times but without making progress.
    Then I had psycical restrictions I think, a lot of fear of handstand (without fear of being upside down on the pole lol) and I really fear superman! I know some would say superman is easy and one of the first intermediate move they can, but not for me. Maybe it’s because the backbending.
    Then I said, I pole about 3 years: I haven’t tried handspring and cartwheels a lot because I’m FEELING not ready for this. I think 1,5 years is really short time for working on cartwheel things. And…I think it’s not a required move as your instructor said. Don’t get me wrong….I only mean you are not less better than others when you NOW are not ready to progress in this move. And to say to you you can not move on in the level is bulls*** for me, sorry!
    That’s why I have stopped take classes and start with Studio Veena!

  • PoleAdventures

    February 6, 2019 at 7:07 pm in reply to: where is everyone from?

    I’m from Switzerland. A tiny little village in the Canton of Bern πŸ™‚

  • PoleAdventures

    February 6, 2019 at 4:22 pm in reply to: how many times a week do you exercise and do your pole work?

    Oh what I forgot:
    I like to train yoga with a few simple but cool apps:

    – Do you yoga (my favourite, also with webplatform, for a small fee you have access to thousand of quality courses depending on what you like to train!!)
    – Keep Yoga (great for ALL levels)
    – Stretch It (more focussed on flexibility but on my opinion based on yoga moves, a bit more advanced)

  • PoleAdventures

    February 6, 2019 at 4:17 pm in reply to: how many times a week do you exercise and do your pole work?

    Yoga is great beside pole!
    I do pole work (including strength, new tricks, smooth out nailed ones, dancing aka my cardio) 3 to 4 times a week and the other days light yoga or sweaty yoga, depends on what my body needs. If you feel like you should rest, take a light yoga session with moves you alredy well know and don’t let you sweat or breath fast.
    I use yoga for flexibility too, that active stretch thing was a great help for my overall flexibility and range of motion for pole tricks.
    I also work on the stands as you in my yoga sessions. But keep watch that you have light yoga or full rest days between your heavier pole training days!

  • PoleAdventures

    December 12, 2018 at 1:19 pm in reply to: Any benefit to REALLY high heels?

    I think it depends on what you like the most. But my experience with heels is I feel a lot more stable and balanced in 8inch heels than in 7inch. And my experience is that not every model for example pleaser shoes has the same ratio in heel and overall height. I like the model 8inch flamingo much more than the similar model xtreme πŸ™‚ And the models are different too with ankle fixation, that was a huge stable factor for me too (I have very tiny feet).
    I think you should test 2 models and you will see the difference.

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