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  • Krista Bocko

    April 5, 2013 at 9:38 pm in reply to: Moves you dont like?

    Knee hold, yogini, rocketman and iguana mount also.

  • Krista Bocko

    April 5, 2013 at 9:38 pm in reply to: Moves you dont like?

    Knee hold, yogini, rocketman and iguana mount also.

  • Krista Bocko

    April 3, 2013 at 1:57 pm in reply to: home/self taught

    I'm mostly an 'at home' learner, though I don't consider myself 'self taught', except for the fact that I have no one telling me what/what not to do. This is both good and bad!

    I do like to note the difference, because I have definitely utilized all the resources I can (lessons here, pole workshops, teacher trainings, etc). I have NOT figured stuff out only on my own!



  • Krista Bocko

    March 26, 2013 at 9:33 pm in reply to: Protein shake confusion !!

    What are good brands? I get frustrated looking at labels and seeing crap ingredients (fillers, etc) so I never know what to buy. :/

  • Krista Bocko

    March 22, 2013 at 3:39 pm in reply to: Michelle Stanek Workshops?

    I haven't taken a workshop with her (yet)…but I think they are full??

  • YES, Kate! Absolutely. I start my students on day one doing everything on both sides! It's got to be a habit that you cultivate. 

  • Krista Bocko

    March 18, 2013 at 5:54 pm in reply to: First Pole Class Surprise

    I tell students that same thing, Lira…everyone is paying attention to their own self :).
    Karol helms is 30 btw

  • Krista Bocko

    March 18, 2013 at 5:54 pm in reply to: First Pole Class Surprise

    I tell students that same thing, Lira…everyone is paying attention to their own self :).
    Karol helms is 30 btw

  • Krista Bocko

    March 12, 2013 at 6:50 am in reply to: Comming out about pole dance fitness

    For years, no one 'in real life' knew that I poled, besides my husband and kids. I hated it being so 'taboo'. What if I'd met just one other woman that poled and was open about it? I would have been so thrilled to know someone else, and I also would have wished that *I* had the guts to be so open about it. What if I did meet other women that poled, but neither of us knew it b/c of course, no one felt they could bring it up!

    It bugs me that we feel so oppressed about it. Are we doing anything wrong? Of course not. We're doing everything RIGHT, actually, and it feels wrong to NOT talk about it when the opportunity is there. 

  • Krista Bocko

    March 11, 2013 at 8:57 pm in reply to: How long should a trick or pose be held?

    So, so many factors to consider. Most importantly I try to accent the music, so that often dictates or gives me a framework for how long to hold a move. I'd say most of mine are held about 5 seconds. 

  • Krista Bocko

    March 11, 2013 at 8:25 pm in reply to: Comming out about pole dance fitness

    It's honestly REALLY bothersome to me to hear these stories about being so torn and feeling 'forced to choose' or hide what we love due to other's ignorance.

    I totally get wanting to keep some things compartmentalized, sometimes that's just easier. But what's NOT easy is feeling shame, guilt, the need to hide…it's just so oppressive,

    I 'hid' pole for YEARS. I'm grateful, sooooo so grateful, now, to not hide it anymore. It is so freeing. This isn't to say that I talk about pole at every opportunity and make sure EVERYONE knows I pole, but I am open about what I do when asked. 

    If anyone 'judges' me for it, that is their own issue and not mine. They will sure never be on my speed dial, so eh, I'm sure no one who is a true friend or genuinely cares about me would expect me to change for them.

    GL, I have been in your position before and it's a tough place to be. Hugs!

  • Krista Bocko

    March 6, 2013 at 8:03 am in reply to: Can’t do my shoulder lift

    Oh yeah, I know it's totally normal. sometimes the stars align and we 'get' a move and then can't repeat it. definitely happened to me. personally, I've learned not to say I've 'got' something until I can nail it every time, every practice. lol.

     But to the OP…you'll get it back. I know it. How long have you been back at pole? Give yourself a little time…

  • Krista Bocko

    March 5, 2013 at 8:04 pm in reply to: The Things Polers Take as a Compliment

    my massage therapist said I have excellent muscle tone and am in better shape than 95 % of the population…

    I've aquired students because they see my arms and want them. I think that's pretty cool (not just that I've gotten students that way, but that they want muscles too!)

  • Krista Bocko

    March 5, 2013 at 7:43 pm in reply to: Can’t do my shoulder lift

    Hmm! Interested to hear others experiences…Lyme, do you know what 'clicked' with you to get it back??

  • Krista Bocko

    March 4, 2013 at 8:17 am in reply to: Help please – Can’t progress to next level

    @hazi–look at the PFA website on their visual dictionary. They have a photo there of the claw grip.

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