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  • Krista Bocko

    March 17, 2012 at 5:59 pm in reply to: Need New Tricks.

    Yeah, I go to the studio when I want a proper mat (ie not couch cushions). Def a good thing!

  • Krista Bocko

    March 17, 2012 at 1:58 pm in reply to: Need New Tricks.

    I love getting into it form pike. I did a quick video exiting into scorpio. think of it as in slow-mo..I was at the studio for 3 hours this AM so my thighs were screaming at me. :)

    You can also exit into a flat line scorpioby putting your free arm on the pole. I need to try that too.

  • Krista Bocko

    March 17, 2012 at 12:29 pm in reply to: Need New Tricks.

    I have done it….slowly. LOL

  • Krista Bocko

    March 17, 2012 at 5:33 am in reply to: Need New Tricks.

    superman to inverted thigh hold 

    superman to tuck to scorpio

    superman to gemini

    superman to inverted crucifix

    i haven't tried all these yet, but i've been looking for ideas too!

  • Krista Bocko

    March 16, 2012 at 12:27 pm in reply to: Need New Tricks.

    what about some combos, do you want some combo ideas?

    shoulder dismounts?

    spinning scorpio switches? outside to inside leg hang switches?

    reverse ayshas?


    caterpillars/caterpillar climbs?

    I don't know what the falling star or holly drops are, I will try to find those to try them!

  • Krista Bocko

    March 16, 2012 at 6:27 am in reply to: Scared to do Tricks on my Pole

    I agree Steffie, a little fear = a good thing. when i got my pole there were no studios near me so it wasn't an option to not do things on it if i REALLY wanted to learn (and i did). 

    If I'm working on a new move or feeling unsure, I'll throw my couch cushions down around the pole and/or have a spotter.

    I love to pole alone too, and I use common sense also (phone nearby, well rested and not trying potentially dangerous moves when really fatigued, etc). 


    Congrats on getting a pole! 😀

  • Krista Bocko

    March 15, 2012 at 8:57 pm in reply to: Is this really “Constructive” Critisism?

    I totally get that point–I may never do xx move or xx move–but it is practical for me to learn which moves pose problems for students with certain attributes. 🙂

  • Krista Bocko

    March 15, 2012 at 2:15 pm in reply to: Is this really “Constructive” Critisism?

    Of course. Not every move will work with every body.

    I was reading your post that said:

    "what if the ONLY reason really was that she had larger/more shapely/bigger/curvier/thicker thighs????

    So that is THE ONLY REASON a person cannot get a move."

    And I was trying to think of moves that 'thick' thighs would prevent someone from doing. 

  • Krista Bocko

    March 15, 2012 at 1:50 pm in reply to: Is this really “Constructive” Critisism?

    Quote: Examples of what? Is that question directed to me or another post?

    Yes, I was wondering what moves a student couldn't do because of thighs. I am a new teacher and this would be helpful to know.

  • Krista Bocko

    March 15, 2012 at 12:46 pm in reply to: Is this really “Constructive” Critisism?

    What are some examples, please? This is a very interesting discussion…

  • Krista Bocko

    March 15, 2012 at 8:27 am in reply to: Is this really “Constructive” Critisism?

    the teacher, not knowing the students history, probably should have asked 'have you done this move before?' instead of presuming the reason why the student couldn't do it at that time.

    there are sooo many factors as we all well know that lead to whether or not we can do moves on any particular day, so I can see her being bothered that assumptions were being made based on her body type, instead of her hands hurting or just plain being tired.

  • Krista Bocko

    March 15, 2012 at 8:23 am in reply to: Is this really “Constructive” Critisism?

    can someone tell me what an 'advanced apprentice' is? i'm not even sure what an apprentice is and am trying to figure it out. youtube is no help, at least, i couldn't find a tutorial or a clip…

  • Krista Bocko

    March 14, 2012 at 9:31 am in reply to: Is this really “Constructive” Critisism?

    what was the move?

  • Krista Bocko

    March 13, 2012 at 7:54 pm in reply to: Shoulder Hooping

    i tried to do what you described and I couldnt do it (the moving right arm back and left arm fwd and vice versa to the right). i gotta pay attention to what other hoopers do at my jams. I can do the side to side movement though and the 'shrug' to hoop anywhere on the arms. 

  • Krista Bocko

    March 13, 2012 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Poling fully clothed?

    Poling in jeans is freakin' hard. Can't imagine letting go with the hands! 

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