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OMG…this vid made my physically sick https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_pale.gif I’m just in complete shock right now, I don’t even know what to say. I was gonna post a coment to the person, but decided they obviously are wanting to piss people off and get them angry, so I’m not gonna give them the negative attention that they are looking for. That will just encourage it. But I did flag it, hopefully if enough people do it will get taken down sooner than later.
To all the women (and men) that were in that video…the fact that they took all that time to pull pics and vids off of other people’s pages and put them together shows how obviously miserable, angry, and sick they are. You are all beautiful people, inside and out, and have such a positive impact on other’s lives. Don’t ever forget that. Hugs to all!
I’m supposed to be studying, so I’m gonna make this short and to the point https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_compress.gif I’m a biology major and we were just talking about this in class today. Fat is ESSENTIAL for your body to function, so you don’t want to go on a low fat diet. You have too much of the ‘bad’ kinds of fat in your diet which is why your triglycerides are too high. You just want to replace the bad kinds, and if you start eating ‘good’ fats and raise it to a healthy level in your body, this will help lower your level of bad fats. Eat a hand full of raw almonds every day (has ‘good’ fat), drink skim milk, butter instead of margarine, and cook with olive oil. No pop, sweets, fast food, or processed foods…this means no white bread products, buy 100% whole wheat and brown rice. No red meat, eat chicken and salmon. Salmon has a lot of ‘good’ fat in it also. Drinks tons of water and 100% real juice. Eat tons of fruits and veggies. Make sure you are getting enough healthy proteins and carbs, which are also essential for your body. Beans such as kidney beans are a good way to get a healthy dose of protein. I’m sorry you have to wait another month…that sucks!!! Hopefully this helps https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif Let us know how it goes!
Hey I’m in Minnesota too https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif Are you planning on taking classes anywhere? I have been taking some classes in Minneapolis, and a new studio just opened in Eagan and I’m gonna check them out too.
Pole dancing does not equal stripping. It is becoming a sport, and will probably be in the Olympics in the near future. It’s hard to get rid of the stigma that goes along with it, but it is an art that requires a lof of strength, grace, and agility. In my opinion it is one of the most beautiful forms of dance to watch.
Yeah for accutane!!!! I had managable acne in my teens and early twenties, but after I had my first baby it turned into horrible cystic acne. Oh it was so painful!!! The doctor was confused because she said usually acne gets better after you have babies, but obviously that wasn’t the case for me. I went on accutane last summer and had the best experience!!! If it wasn’t so bad for you I would be on it for the rest of my life! I normally have VERY oily skin, and it is still oily since going off accutane, but definitely not half as bad as it was. And I don’t get the cystic acne anymore, just a minor break out every now and then, but nothing that can’t be controlled by topical creams. I remember hearing and reading so many horror stories about being on accutane, so I was so scared to start it, but besides the dryness it was awesome, and I will so do it again if I have to. Acne is so debilitating, and it not only scars physically, but emotionally as well. People who are blessed enough to have always had nice skin don’t realize how lucky they are, and don’t understand how painful it can be. I’ve heard a lot of ‘"You need to change your diet" or "You need to try this natural remedy", but some people don’t know that some forms of acne are genetic and there isn’t anything you can do to make it go away. Anyways…good luck and I am so excited and happy for you! Keep us posted https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
I also have a FB account, feel free to add me https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
Oh sweetie, my heart is breaking for you right now. Let me tell you from past experience a couple things. First, DO NOT feel guilty about looking. He has been spending extra energy, time, and attention on another woman and you are justified in feeling suspicious about that. You followed your instinct that something was wrong, so I commend you for doing that instead of ignoring it. Secondly, I don’t know if there is a physical affair going on or not, but whether or not there is, your bf’s relationship with this woman has become inappropriate. From what you said, it sounds like this is an emotional affair. An emotional affair is when someone invests more emotional energy into someone outside of their relationship, and seeks emotional support and companionship from this person outside of their relationship. This is very damaging, and the stronger their emotional bond becomes, the more likely it will turn into a full blown affair. I’m sorry if I’m being too blunt, and I’m not trying to hurt you, but I’m telling you this because this needs to end NOW before something happens! If you bf is having problems with you, then he needs to go to YOU! He should not be going to, and getting advice from a woman who is having problems in her own relationship. She isn’t a councelor and is not qualified to be giving out relationship advice. No doubt this woman is using your bf as a replacement for her hubby because she is having problems with him. You need to talk to your bf, tell him what you read, and ask him what is going on. If he is having problems with the relationship, how can you fix them if he doesn’t tell you? How can you work on things together? He needs to end his friendship with this woman and only have business contact with her regarding the work he is doing for her, and that’s it! No more texting at 2 am…that is just sooo wrong, and disrespectful to you! Oh boy…sorry to go off about it. You have to do what is right for you, and I obviously am not there and don’t know what’s going on. If you want me to share my story with you, message me and I would be glad to talk. But if I were you, I would put my foot down, because what your bf is doing is wrong, and I don’t want to see you get hurt more than you already have. And that’s all that will come from his inappropriate relationship with her….people being hurt.
Amen, Roxy-Pink! You took the words right outta my mouth https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
Oh, that sucks girl!!! I just took a health and fitness class this past semester, and whenever you have an injury follow the acronym RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. If it hurts when you do certain things, that is your body’s way of saying stop. Apply ice to the area to prevent swelling, which can cause pain and slow down the healing process, 2-3 times a day for no longer than 10 minutes at a time. I guess you really can’t apply the last two concepts since it’s your side, those are more for appendages. I can almost guarantee that you didn’t tear it, if you did you would be in immense pain, and it would hurt to move at all. So you probably just pulled something. Be sure to LIGHTLY stretch that side every day. I mean VERY LIGHTLY. Stretch to the point of discomfort, but not pain. This will also help with the healing process. You can do all these things, but it will just come down to you giving it time to heal. Give it at least another one to two weeks before you try to bear weight on it again, you could injure it even further. I tore my abductor earlier this year, and doing all these things helped it heal. I couldn’t be on the pole for 2 months, so I know a week sounds like a long time, but that’s not really that long in retrospect. Take care of yourself https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
I wish I had known too! I went from not working out to doing too much right off the bat, and I ended up tearing the abductor in my leg (bascially my groin). It hurt so bad to even walk for a whole month, and I could’nt go to my pole class for 2 months https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif Talk about going through pole withdrawal! lol It didn’t completely heal for about 3 1/2 months, and was still sore for a while. Come to find out too, like Veena said, I wasn’t giving my body a break in between work outs, and I wasn’t stretching afterwards. So while being sore is normal, listen to your body and go easy at first. I know it’s hard because you wanna practice every day, but it’s better to take a day off when you are that sore than to push yourself too hard, hurt yourself, and then not be able to do anything on the pole for 2 months…like me! lol