aryannapoledancer replied to the discussion Shoe Indecision! Arrghhhhh in the forum Discussions 11 years ago
Hi Unicorn, here is my experience and advice.
The main 2 differences between the two pairs are:
– Delight has a slightly thinner and spiked heel (which, I think, won’t affect your dance)
– Delight is a 5 3/4″ height against Kiss 6″At a first look they seem very similar and they both are and look very nice, especially when you wear…
aryannapoledancer started the discussion Vaulted ball mount (xpoles) on flat ceiling in the forum Discussions 11 years ago
Vaulted ball mount (xpoles) on flat ceiling
Hi everybody, I have beeen so busy in this last period and since I first set up my account on Veena I have started my own courses since two years. So happy!
In my pole room I have 8 poles (will become 10):
Unfortunately I have to set up and dismount every time and girls help me but it takes us at least 10 mins if we are fast enough.
I… -
aryannapoledancer started the discussion Lights for your pole room in the forum Discussions 12 years ago
How do you light up and create colorful atmosphere for your pole room?
I'm searching for something which is not too much strong but that can make a clear light for Stripper Style pole lessons.
Girls need to watch me move and see me teaching but at the same time I want them to enter the club sexy mood when they come to…
aryannapoledancer replied to the discussion Superman dismount – moves list in the forum Discussions 12 years ago
Superman dismount - moves list
I found out an easier way to come out of the move. Let's see if it's correct and acceptable.
– go back to hook and V out
– aerial shoulder mount
– superman fall (superman into tuck or scorpio) -
aryannapoledancer replied to the discussion Superman dismount – moves list in the forum Discussions 12 years ago
Superman dismount - moves list
Thank you Cats! Let's see what other polegirls say about that issue. <3
aryannapoledancer started the discussion Superman dismount – moves list in the forum Discussions 12 years ago
Superman dismount - moves list
Hi there, I was wondering if you could help me to figure out (recalling your experience and your practice) all the kind of dismounts from classic Superman.
I would like to make a list of them, starting from simpler to more difficult moves/poses/dismounts so that I can practice and learn myself before teaching my students (it will take…
aryannapoledancer replied to the discussion Teaching pole sit: foot on or off the pole? in the forum Discussions 13 years ago
Teaching pole sit: foot on or off the pole?
Thank you Veena for your fast reply.
I have watched your pole sit tutorial and I have seen you teach the move with this sequence:
– pull up with arms
– lift legs
– cross legs.
Someone teaches it this other way:
– foot on the pole
– step up on the pole
– cross the leg..
Are you telling me the reason…
aryannapoledancer started the discussion Teaching pole sit: foot on or off the pole? in the forum Discussions 13 years ago
Teaching pole sit: foot on or off the pole?
Hi there, I'm teaching pole sit to next lessons students.
I have been doing lots of researches and check out different famous pole dance instructors and their styles and I found out that some of them use to teach starting with a step on the pole, some of them (inclued Veena) ues to start directly from an arms pull up.
Another thing I… -
aryannapoledancer replied to the discussion vertical dance online instructor qualification in the forum Discussions 13 years ago
vertical dance online instructor qualification
Psycho, do you rememebr if you recorded the video after sending paperworks and passing online tests?
I have finished Fitness Manual excercises and I'm fininshing Vertical Dance too but last tasks require me to complete session planning and feedback forms, I am confused and can't understand if they refer to the practice of my assessment…
aryannapoledancer replied to the discussion vertical dance online instructor qualification in the forum Discussions 13 years ago
vertical dance online instructor qualification
so many replies! Thank you everybody.
@ legend: what do you mean by " To avoid the headache that would be making the videos (student shyness, language barrier, time consuming, etc) I'm doing the UK course"?
Ho can you ass the VD course without the video test? Please share with me.
@ psychoholicslag: have…
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