Forum Replies Created

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  • tiggertail

    November 23, 2011 at 8:08 pm in reply to: Split in front of the Christmas tree

    For those of you who might want to join me, bendy buddies is back Thursday night at 8 east time (like NY) I'll will be in the chat waiting for you. You can also had you name on the reminder list 

    Let's work that split

  • tiggertail

    November 23, 2011 at 8:03 pm in reply to: quelqu’un fait de la pôle sans avoir fait de cours ?

    Bonjour Bella

    Je n'ai jamais suivi de cours sauf ceux de Veena ici. Et je peux te confirmer qu'il valent vraiment la peine, pole, musculation,étirement et même le cerceau. À la base c'est une entraineuse donc elle sais ce qu,elle fait et comment l'expliquer.  Moi je le prend à l'année ça revient à 100$ sinon tu peux essayer un mois 20$.

    Si tu veux plus de réponse écrit en anglais, on est en minorité pas mal ici

    En passant je suis de Sherbrooke mais je vais m'entrainer de temps en temps avec des copines de Montreal. Peut-être qu'on aura l'occasion de se croiser un jour.

  • tiggertail

    November 23, 2011 at 7:56 pm in reply to: reminder list for bendy buddies

    I'M BACK!!!!!!

    And so is bendy buddies on thursday night at 8h (East time) i really need to work on that split for the ''split in front on the Christmas tree challenge'' so feel free to join me. Waiting for you in the chat room

  • tiggertail

    November 21, 2011 at 3:56 pm in reply to: Where did your nickname come from???

    Oh yes! i had forget about that…hope the new girls join us 😀

  • tiggertail

    November 20, 2011 at 11:43 am in reply to: S Girls please help!

    I don't know S factor except for what i saw on tv. Look like the Liquid Motion workshop i got in October. She teach us to do sexy moves but even more important to find that place in you where you really go blank…you just let your body do what it want.

    Personnaly i can't do it if people might interupt me, so i wait when the boys are in bed or i'm alone at home. Set some slow and sexy music and if you can put some sexy light, bf got me a disco ball and some flashing lights but anything can work. Close your eyes and just let yourself go, it take time but you can do it..

  • tiggertail

    November 19, 2011 at 6:06 pm in reply to: Split in front of the Christmas tree

    You're right Veena

    the goal is not to achieve a split and hurting ourself. It's all about pushing our limits a little bit and  stretching more often. Personnaly i'm not sure i will be able to do it but i surely gonna work hard on it

  • tiggertail

    November 18, 2011 at 10:35 am in reply to: Why do you pole?

    I was always amaze by dancer and gymnast even if i never done any. Before the first try i knew i would be hooked. It teach me to push limits that i would never guess i could, mental (me sexy?) and physical.

    And now i just need, this is what keep me on track against my fight with depression. This is what's keep ma alive and make bad day sooo much better.  It make me undestand that i'm so much better than what i always believe…Yes i'm a pole dancer!!!

  • tiggertail

    November 17, 2011 at 4:09 pm in reply to: Sharing vids on FACEBOOK

    Just be careful Jag5303 because what they don't tell you is after 3 time that they take down your video you're not able to put any video Now i have a YT account where i put my video and just put the link on my fb. Or if it's a video i only want to share with SV friend i put the link from here.

    I don't have problem sharing my video and most of the time friends and family see it as fun, of course i don't put the really sexy one lol. Once in a while i get tease by a cousin who didn't know about my hobby but no bad comment yet.

  • tiggertail

    November 15, 2011 at 9:41 pm in reply to: Walking Away

    Can i ask why or is it too personnal? Anyway i wish you tons of news challenge to replace that one

  • tiggertail

    November 14, 2011 at 8:21 pm in reply to: Nail Polish Remover as Pole Cleaner

    I do it once in a while, personnaly i use a gentle nail polish remover (without acetone). It give a good clean to my chrome pole 🙂

  • tiggertail

    November 13, 2011 at 1:16 pm in reply to: Montly challenge list


    November: Chair dance

    October: Halloween

    September : Dance to a song about Dancing

    August: Accept your self 🙂

    July : Booty (yep again)

    June: SV 3rd yr birthday

    May: Feet

    April: a song from the year you were born

    March: the first Song you ever bought

    February: Valentine

    January: TV show theme


    December: Christmas/Holidays

    November :PornStar Dancing by the darkest days

    October: Halloween

    September: back to school

    August: Veena beginner routine

    July: Booty

    June: Celebrate our diversity (music from other country)

    May: Spins ONLY

    April: you danced to whaaat!!!


    February: bedroom song

    January: Aerial only (as much as you can)


    December: Christmas/holiday

    November:  USPDF

    October : Halloween

    September: movie theme music

    August: Floorwork

    July: Michael Jackson

    June:  SV ONE year Birthday

    May: Amateur night

    April: Glam Rock

    March:  Irish music (St-Patrick's day)

    February: 80s song

    January:  Dance with a prop

  • tiggertail

    November 11, 2011 at 12:44 pm in reply to: Split in front of the Christmas tree

    Just use this post as you wish, photo of your split, video of how to train or even to let other people you want to stretch. I will put a reminder of bendy buddies in here too 🙂

  • tiggertail

    November 10, 2011 at 9:04 pm in reply to: Split in front of the Christmas tree

    Yeah I'm so happy to see you joining us, we won't be alone 😀 Don't forget to take a pic now to really be able to see the difference. And don't miss the bendy buddies monday or thursday, look for the reminder post and put your name on it 😉

  • tiggertail

    November 9, 2011 at 6:43 pm in reply to: Split in front of the Christmas tree

    @Lyme of course you can do it, i saw ''older'' girl improving their split a lot. So even if you don't get the perfect split the main goal is just getting better.

    As for bendy buddies we plan a day and hour in the week to stretch together, you don't have to be really good, it's more like a motivation thing where we share tips on stretching, chat and suffer together lol.

    I know Miraine is doing one on Monday at 8pm (UK time) and i'm gonna start back the one Thursday at 8 pm East time (like New York) feel free to join us any time. You can also ask the girls here if they want to join for a stretching session on skype or on the chat.

  • tiggertail

    November 7, 2011 at 7:32 pm in reply to: Chair Ideas!

    I guess you mean ''making a chair'' not a pole lol.

    I know that it's not  always easy to find a chair that work well. I didn't work on chair dance much so i might not be really helpful but i would say that it would need to be comfy (when you lay on your back) but still strong enough that you can put you feet on it.

    Can't wait to see what the other girls think, might help me to choose my chair.

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