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I have learn the hard way that dark color is a nigtmare. I had color them black and after a while was not happy and wanted to go back to light color. Lucky for me my hair we're not too damage so i only did a few streak bleach a little and color them red. gave me the feeling that my hair are less dark while they grow.
So now it's more darker at the end and under but getting better than skunk hair (black with light middle) lol
Pancake: except for the first day (heavy flow) i empty and clean in only morning and night. But in case you really have to empty it in a public place you could just clean it with toilet paper and clean it well when you get home. Not the best thing i know but it do the job. Lucky for me we have separate bathroom at my job so i don't have this problem.
It's in the same competition than Ember (Lindsay Green) too hard to chose, i vote for both lol
I havd my Divacup for 3 years…and will never go without. Of course at first it need a little practice to get the twist but now it's really easy. All the good thing you said is right and no problem poling with it.
It's really worth trying it!!!https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
I saw this one in Canada http://www.treadmillfactory.ca/p-1226-c-84-eva-premium-foam-roller-6-x-36-or.html i have seen some good review on EVA product on amazone. And the shipping is free, might get it soon.
Someone have EVA foam roller?
Some fetishist would be really happy with this month challenge lolhttps://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
In the past i cross some "not real poler" member. It's not fun but SV is much safer than a lot of place i've seen. On FB or YT your video or picture can be seen by a lot of people even if you want to keep it private. Of course they're will always be some guys creepping around but i feel safe here. Having a "just for friend" would be good for the video we don't feel as confortable showing to everybody. But i the same time if everybody put video only in that section we will never have the chance to see video from someone who's not already our friend.
That one was a real nigtmare for me and it took me so long to be able to do it without falling on one side…or the other. The girls have really great tips so all i can say is don't give up and try new way to do it even if it sound silly https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
Thanks a lot girls, we already have the result and it's nothing to be worry about.
But it was a long day, baby was up at 5h30 and i had to keep him away from everyone eating and drinking. At the hospital at 8h30 because they we're suppose to prepare him for 10h15, guess what? we had to wait until 1h for the test, by the time he finally fall asleep by himself, watching cartoon on the Blackberry. But they gave hime medication anyway…enough to put a horse to sleep i guess because this morning he's still have balance problem.
All that to say that when i finally wake up aroud 5h in the afternoon they didn't want me to take home home because he was still dizzy. The nurse finally gave him 2 littles yogourt (should have seen them dissapear lol) but still didn't want to let us go before 8h15 at night because i was a real bitch at this point. I know they are suppose to follow some rules but do they really expect that a 4 years old who barely eat in the last 24h and have cry for the last 3h because his belly hurt from the hunger and he want to go home (mommy too at this point) to walk straight. I wanted to ask her how would she feel after a day like that when she's already should be in her bed a that time of the day?
Anyway we're home and doing fine, thanks for all your support xxxx
If you have picture or video can you please share with me? mailto:tigger_tail@hotmail.com
Thanks to all the veener you are amazing, It was a real pleasure to meet you and i hope to meet you again soon https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_heart1.gif
It could be fun but i'm not sure, for some of us the ride is already cost a lot. That don't mean that i would say no the next time it's just a little bit short in time.
le metrohttps://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif i'm such a small town girl, never been in a metrohttps://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_confused.gif Can i hold your hand???