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Here’s a post we had a while ago where you can have tons of info on mentrual cup.https://www.studioveena.com/forums/view/2726 Personnally i don’t need it much now but had use it for over 5 years and would never go back. As for poling during that time of the month, I do feel beurk sometime but it usually don’t stop me.
MemberJune 24, 2014 at 7:28 am in reply to: Wow!! Sooo many new faces but I still see some old too!tIt’s good to see that some “older” are still around, welcome back Roxy 🙂
LOL I’m totally a #7 oops!. I think the russian guetto style really look like the autralian style, make me think of Cleo the hurricane 😛
What piss me the most is the fact that they are there judging things they don’t know and they made sure not to show what this 4 years old actually did, Or show that 12 years totally killing it. People or so stupid when they rather look at the the bad side rather than what it really is.
We’ve got fireman pole in almost every playground here, i never seen anyone complaining that kids will turn into strippers because of that. Honestly, i would be scare as hell to let my kids with this man, he’s have something pretty fuck up in his head to see anything sexy with that. Yes they spread their legs, so do gymast and at least pole dancer have a good reason to wear short clothe, beauty pageant and some dancing contest don’t have that.
I’m sorry but i’m just going nut about that kind of stuff.
I started poling 5 years ago and in the last 3 years barely did, not proud of me. I think we all deserve a nice path on our back and a little kick in the butt to be back at it 😛
Welcome back Yanille -
MemberMay 4, 2014 at 7:46 am in reply to: When was your first pole competition or performance?I was with Dustbunny for my first showcase and had pole for about 2 years too (no class only veena lessons) It was an amazing experience for me, a way to push myself out of my confort zone. The day of the show was a nightmare, i was sooooo stressed, people had to remember me to breathe lol. I had finish my routine only days before and practice it completely like 4 time. It went well, especillay since I had choose an easy routine. The after show was the complete opposite, the rush of adrenaline really went up to my head. So much that i’m now back on the pole to go back next year. I’m not sure about competing even if a little part of me wish i was good enough to perform at this level but i hven’t close the door on this either.
All that to say that if you feel you should try it, why not. And if it’s not your thing well don’t drive yourself crazy about it 😉
When i first got my pole i install it right in the middle of the play room so the boys were playing around all the time. For them it’s just like having a fireman pole at home and the few time they had friends home they were so proud of mommy’s pole.After visiting a few of my friends who also pole they started to look in people house to see where their pole was (like bathroom, toys or fridge lol)
When i move with bf last year, i realize that if it was normal for us, the ex-wife wasn’t too happy about me poling when the teen girl were home. So now i don’t when they are here but it’s mostly because the 16 years old made a whole drama with the mom because i heard the 13 years old play on it a few time.
Anyway all that to say that for me, nothing is wrong with kids on the pole. I keep the sexy stuff for when they are not there and everybody is happy, especially bf 😀
Booty challenge again 😀
Had the chance to have a workshop with her in Toronto(Canada) a few years ago, love her energy. Couldn’t resist the package DVD and bikini, can’t wait to get it 😀
OMG feeling so dumb, i didn’t realize it was a pic at first lol 😛 Lesson is great by the way, simple ans sexxxxy 🙂
Life is full of up and down, and when you’re busy with things that touch you emotionnaly it’s even worst. I’ve been off pole for a while and i know that some of the girls did the same thing it will come back don’t worry.
The best tips i can give you is to keep moving forward, in pole and life. Sometime you have to push yourself and even if it’s only baby step it will help you in the long term. I understand that you had your life plan ahead and suddenly it doesn’t work anymore. Try making short term project for your life, give yourself a little challenge. You just need to get your life back on track, and you can do it!!!
Being strong is not just standing in hard time, it’s also reaching for help and advices when you need it. 😉
And i guess that the fact that i can see my own video here is because they have less protection or something like that?
Was about to do it but couldn’t remmeber is username 😛 Getting use to call him by is real name lol Thanks V