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I LOVE hot yoga! The first class was torture, but I adapted quickly the second time. The heat helps you get sooooo flexibly stretchy and gets relaxing once you accept the sweat and learn to breathe. It’s gotten this lady in her 40s closer to the splits than anything!
When I bought my first house a few years ago, I started buying (and killing) plants right away! I have slowly learned two great tricks, in order of helpfulness. 1. Plant natives; they are meant to be there and will thrive. They also benefit local insects and wildlife. You can find nurseries that specialize in plants native to your area. 2. For non native plants, look for those labeled with words like tolerant, resistant, and hardy and avoid those labeled with complicated requirements or mention ph levels. Pay attention to water requirements as well.
I use an epilator on my legs regularly and on my forearms every now and again. I've got Ukranian, Polish and Italian genes, so the need for serious hair removal! The epilator has the benefit of making the hair finer and thinner after just a few uses, so I don't have to dit very often anymore. It hurts like a mother the first 2 or 3 times, but after that it's ok, I think because the roots are weaker or the hair is thinner, not really sure.
As for lady bits, I shaved them once as a special gift when my boyfriend was deployed for the first Iraq war in 91, horrible experience! In a pinch I'll shave the edges, but never near the bits again! I'm all for yanking the hairs, but leave some cushion in the middle. Stubble in that area is AWFUL!
I second the idea of rewarding yourself. I bought myself a little gift every month for the first year, usually something I didn't need, an indulgence like jewelry or shoes. At one year, I got a very nice watch.
I quit smoking almost a year and a half ago, after being diagnosed with COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Usually heavy smokers get that diagnosis in their 60s or 70s, but I'm an overachiever and it hit me at 40, probably spurred on by mono. I'd be lying if I said it's easy. I gave myself permission to do whatever I wanted, besides smoke. I started drinking pots of green tea (teavana) everyday. I've put on about 30 pounds. Sadly, my lung function has not really improved and I still get winded after 1 flight of stairs. I still have moments when I'm really stressed and crave a cigarette. Especially when I think about the fact that I'll probably never get to hike the Grand Canyon or Appalachian Trail. That's not all the lungs' fault, I have a knee giving out now, too. Here's your quitting motivation: don't become me.
I supervise volunteers and interns on a crisis line. I also teach a two day suicide intervention workshop for caregivers and a 3 hour suicide alertness training for the general population. I'm currently trying to figure out how to make a living in a way that allows me to spend more time in the wilderness. Any suggestions?
The only way to end, or at least reduce, the stigma attached to a "taboo" subject is to come out. The more people speak out, the easier it is for more people to speak out. I work in a field that often deals with topics considered "shameful" by society at large: LGBTQ, suicide, sexual abuse, etc. Silence perpetuates the fear, misunderstanding, hypocricy and judgment. Coming out educates people, they can hoepfully get to a point where they say "she SEEMS like such a nice person, perhaps you CAN be a __________ and still be ok". On that note, I am a proud tree hugging, critical thinking, pole dancing woman!!
Thanks for the warm welcome back!
V, thanks for the suggestion! I have work out gloves; I can't believe I didn't think of that. Derp!
Charley, I have been doing a little one handed dancing already, you know me so well! I just really need to get back to climbing and inverting to amp up the workouty, get the muscles back and burn off the extra 20 lbs I've picked up.
Quitting smoking was the toughest thing I've ever done! This coming from an Army vet who birthed and raised 3 boys! But I was dianosed with COPD and really had no choice. Now I'm determined to get healthy and hike the AT. But first, I have to get back to the Aysha 🙂
Pole is a contact sport! My worst fall was caused by a "let's just try this" attitude, that I have since lost. I had done my first Aysha the day before with my hubby spotting, so of course I could now do it alone! I l was losing my grip and luckily had the sense to lean into the pole to slow my fall and stop myself from flipping onto my back, which would have been much worse as I was on a PS stage. I got a black eye and imprinted my glasses into my face, and my neck and shoulders took a beating. I had to go to the optomotrist just an hour later and request an "adjustment" for my flattened glasses. That was an awkward conversation! Like others said, get back up on that horse, but just make sure you know what you're doing.
I took a bad fall that broke my glasses after leaving their outline in my face and blackening my eye. After that, I was much more cautious trying new things. Naughty's right, fear is a survival mechanism, your body's way of saying "WTF are you doing?". I acknowledge it and look for ways to improve safety. On the pole, that meant making sure I knew what I was doing and using a spotter, instead of "I should try that Aysha thingy". I'm generally not a big risk taker, but on the other hand one of my favorite quotes is: I will not tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death. It's all about balance.
Yoga and Shrew….just for you!
http://www.polyvore.com/azzedine_ala_lace_front_shoe/thing?id=20522669" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_dwarf.gifThose boots are fabulous! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif
Unfortunately, they’re way out of my price range! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif -
That’s just silly! I can’t believe they would refuse to print that "provocative" image! Ther is no nudity or sex. Apparently the splits are too racy for our children to see. From now on m&m’s share of my chocalate fund is going to Ben and Jerry’s.
Just sent them an email and a piece of my mind.
https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_mad.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_mad.gif -
I’ve been using various forms of untamedshrew since I joined the internet world. I was inspired by Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew. I found people’s reactions to my name to be revealing, so I’ve stuck with it. It has sparked conversations about literature and told me how some men feel about women who refuse to be "tamed".
MemberJuly 12, 2010 at 12:06 pm in reply to: Detroit Pole Showcase Broadcast In The Chat RoomThat was an awesome show! I met Veena in person! I was an awestruck groupie and forgot to introduce myself!
https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_geek.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_geek.gif
Everyone’s performance rocked! -
I went to a Nia jam once; I was invited by a friend who goes to a class. It was a great workout and definitely incorporated mind and spirit. I felt really good afterward, like I had meditated. Worth a try!