Forum Replies Created

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  • Veena

    February 16, 2025 at 6:23 pm in reply to: Veena’s Classroom!

    VIP plans are shorter about one week long. Programs tend to be two week or 30 days.

  • Veena

    February 16, 2025 at 6:21 pm in reply to: Veena’s Classroom!

    This new class is an hour and fifteen minutes long. Join me for a warm-up then it’s time to work on Pole sits and Holds. At the end of class I’ll teach you a short choreography that utilizes everything we’ve practiced.

  • Veena

    February 16, 2025 at 5:52 pm in reply to: Veena’s Classroom!

    Knee Pit Grips Class! This is a one day class. I’ll be covering nine different pole tricks, providing new concepts for better grip and troubleshooting common issues. Some of the tricks I cover are advanced, but all levels are welcome to take the class as I have options for everyone.

  • Veena

    February 16, 2025 at 5:47 pm in reply to: Veena’s Classroom!

    A week long Front Splits Class! Once you’ve finished my 30 day Flexy program come train your front splits for one week with me.

  • Veena

    February 16, 2025 at 5:42 pm in reply to: Veena’s Classroom!

    A week long Invert Class! You’ll be learning my Controlled Momentum style of Inverting along with developing a stronger sense of self awareness and mindfulness.

  • Veena

    February 14, 2025 at 9:02 pm in reply to: Pole Dance RANTS!

    Episode 7.

    Nothing is more important than knowing you have a secure grip when you pole dance. Below you’ll find more resources to help you unlock your best grip! I’d like to add that not all grip aids work for everyone, you have to find the right one for your skin, climate, and pole finish needs.

  • Veena

    February 11, 2025 at 8:05 pm in reply to: Pole Dance RANTS!

    My dad played a little and also my older brother plays(he’s 20 years older. He’s even in a band lol It’s fun to get together now and play, but he’s way better than I am!

    I’m glad you liked the RANT

  • Veena

    February 11, 2025 at 2:24 pm in reply to: 20 Invert Resources from Veena

    Jumping in here to add my YT video discussing our communities obsession with Inverts!

  • Veena

    February 7, 2025 at 10:51 pm in reply to: Pole Dance RANTS!

    Episode 6. is all about Inverts!

    Hey pole dancer, did you know that even if you were to never Invert you can still enjoy pole dance and reap the benefits? It’s true! So please don’t feel like you’re “less than” if the Invert is not in your current pole vocabulary.

    It’s my hope that this podcast will help you understand the Invert and put your mind at ease. Breath, it’s ok, there are other ways to get upside down. You’re not behind, or bad at pole, the Invert is just another trick and I’d love to make it easier for you.

    If you’re currently working on your Inverts or if you’re not sure if you’re Inverts need cleaning up I suggest you: Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

    Here’s a guide to help you determine if your invert is solid or needs help.

    Here is my FREE tutorial for the Side Pole Hold and Invert Hold

    Common Invert methods:

    Oh hey, remember I said the CHOPPER is not the same as an INVERT? Here’s a video that explains the difference. / dfvwg_hsxle

    Ultimate Guide to Inverts Series

    Ready to learn all you can about the Invert? Check out my FREE 20 invert resources guide

    Proof that I’ve been using controlled momentum for my inverts for 16 years • Justin Timberlake- Veena New Pole Dance MIn 1:18 is where I Invert.

    Here’s how I taught myself to go upside down a Half Cartwheel and Half Handspring. • Pole Dancing – Gimme More by Britney … Min 2:00 Cartwheel • Santa Baby Min 1:47 Handspring

    Last thought, please remember you have to learn how to properly use momentum. If you’re using the correct grip and have been working through a progressive training plan (like mine) you will not slam your body into the pole. If you’re hitting the pole you’re not using the correct grip!

  • Veena

    February 3, 2025 at 3:03 pm in reply to: Pole Dance RANTS!

    I’m glad you liked it! I tried to think about things where I’ve felt that I should just be able to do it, but couldn’t. I realized it comes down to natural ability or needing to just practice more and be patient. I am still learning to be patient, it comes and goes lol

  • Veena

    February 2, 2025 at 3:37 pm in reply to: Getting started?

    Wow that’s not right! I’ll have webmaster see what’s going on. Thanks for letting me know!

  • Veena

    February 2, 2025 at 2:53 pm in reply to: Getting started?

    Watching the videos the day before is suggested! I give you an A+ lol 🙂

  • Veena

    February 2, 2025 at 2:47 pm in reply to: Getting started?

    Hello. There are different ways to use the site and this discussion cover how

    If you’ve had some pole experience as you mentioned and don’t want to do self-guided I suggest starting with the 30 day take off or beginner level 1. This will allow you to see how I teach and get familiar with my beginner fundamentals.

    You don’t have to work through all the beginner levels to move on to Intermediate levels but it’s suggested as I teach differently than many studios. Also reviewing the beginner basics is always a good idea. Remember the programs have everything planned. Yes, the first video in a program is full of more random information and videos, but that’s just to get you started. In the programs the videos auto play in a row. We always start with the warm-up, it’s the first video listed so just click that or let things auto play. The related videos below the main player are not random, they are your tasks for the day.

    No matter how you choose use the website I suggest writing down your sets and reps. It’s important to have it listed somewhere so you can aim for one or two more reps each session. It’s up to the user to check in with their body to know if they need more reps or less than I recommend. We’re all different so I like to provide general guidelines for sets and reps.

    If you don’t want to use the programs and only want long form video use my Veena’s classroom instead. I have three classes there right now. Inverts, splits and knee pit grips. There are more classes planned but the hurricanes and unusually cold weather have prevented me from filming. I hope to get back too it soon.

    The videos are filmed vertically because the majority of users watch on mobile devices, and this provides a better view for mobile. But as mummy mentioned, you can cast them! I have a laptop and I can watch from a distance just fine, this is the first time someone has said they can’t see them. This is a pole education site, there’s a lot of information here in places like descriptions so don’t forget to read everything too 🙂

    Did mine and @mummypole answers help?

  • Veena

    January 31, 2025 at 8:04 pm in reply to: Pole Dance RANTS!

    Hello, hello! Episode 5 is now up!

    Picture this 🙌 You’re watching a pole tutorial, or attending pole class and a new pole trick is introduced. You understand the instructions for the skill/trick but you’re just not able to “get it” before the end of class. Suddenly panic, frustration or feelings of inadequacy run through your mind. You might even be thinking “I must be doing something wrong.” Well let’s have a RANT about this.

    Below are two links that cover what I call FUNDAMENTAL aka foundational pole tricks. PLEASE BE SURE TO READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS TOO!

    This first link is for fundamental Grips Holds and Hand placements for spins

    This link covers fundamental tricks

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting to nail a trick the first time you try but it’s more important to understand yourself and how you learn.

  • Veena

    January 25, 2025 at 10:01 pm in reply to: Pole Dance RANTS!

    Episode 4 is up!

    Caring for your body is just as important as learning new pole tricks and skills. If you neglect this aspect of training. Injuries, frustration and slow progress is inevitable. Always consult your medical professional if you have injured yourself. This is not medical advice!

    Let’s recap the 8 points of self-care as a pole dancer:

    1. Bruising: Learn what excessive bruising is for YOUR body and understand how to prevent it. Please understand when I talk about excessive bruising, I’m referring to individuals who do not have any underlying health conditions that cause bruising.

    2. Self talk: Understanding and becoming aware of your thoughts and how you speak about your pole practice matters. Don’t judge yourself when you go down a negative path. Instead be grateful you recognized it and then take steps to work towards change. Things that can help you in this journey are:



    3. Massage: Angry fascia, knots and tight muscles along with mental stress can often be reduced if you allow time for massage. Here’s a list of different methods of massage.

    POLE – This is my Pole massage routine

    FOAM ROLLER – If you need guidance on how to foam roll you can find tutorials here

    PEANUT – I take mine whenever I travel!
    TENNIS BALL or LACROSSE BALL – You can find these easily, you might even have one laying around.

    MASSAGE CHAIR – I use to have one, I loved it.

    MASSAGE PILLOW – Here’s an inexpensive one, I’m not sure of the quality.

    MASSAGE CANE – This one is similar to the one my husband and I have

    PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE – It’s worth treating yourself now and then!

    4. Rest days: If you’re a student of mine, I hope you’ve seen the benefits of having rest days. Also, in addition to resting the muscles, relaxing the mind allows our nervous systems to recover too. This is very important if you deal with mental health issues, are hypermobile or nerospicy.

    5. Social media breaks: If you have a tendency to doom scroll or compare yourself and your pole skills with others. 👏Put 👏down 👏the 👏phone! Instead of wasting your life by watching others. Learn a new skill, try new hobbies, gather in person, spend quality time with yourself.

    6. Anti Inflammatory foods:
    fatty fish
    green tea
    extra virgin olive oil
    dark chocolate and cocoa

    7. Heat: Heat is incredible for sore muscles and aiding in healing injuries, both acute and chronic. Ways to use heat are listed below:







    8. Cold: Gone are the days of recommending ice for injuries. While I believe using ice immediately is key in treating acute injuries. I only do this once, as soon as possible after an injury occurs. If you’re a fan of ice baths go for it. Just make sure to track if it’s offering a positive or negative affect on your training. We’re all different so it’s important to do what’s right for YOUR body.



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