Forum Replies Created
Haha, ok. I was confused when I saw you we just inverting and a beg?int poler! I thought there are so many names for moves maybe it was a way of exiting from invert! Yes, the stands routine will very much help. Also work on handstands against the wall etc. The more you get your body accustom to being upside down the better. 🙂
I still don’t understand why some studios feel spins are beginner! Most people will need to strengthen before they can safely spin on static. 😉
Do you mean you want to do a Cartwheel mount? https://www.studioveena.com/lessons/view/4d8361e8-4b5c-46df-a8e6-5d4b0ac37250
This thread may help too https://www.studioveena.com/forums/view/5daf3f29-daac-480e-8489-2835ac110002#bottom
The Stands routine is a great place to start, yes!
You can try one of the 30 day programs as well. Even if you can’t do all of the tasks perfectly it will give you a guideline.
It looks like a matter of needing to build strength. It shouldn’t be done quickly…can you do an extended butterfly or butterfly? Being able to do those is usually helpful before working handsprings
If it’s a link you can just copy and paste. If you want to upload just select the video tab and upload… this can’t be done on a single thread it’s an upload to the video section.
I use different body positions for each of the different cartwheels/handsprings. Its not just the grips that are different. There are lessons for the Cartwheel mount, and Handspring, I suggest taking a look at the Half cartwheel and half handspring lessons first.
If you’re using a twisted grip I don’t suggest kicking up from standing when first working on a twisted grip handspring. Do if from off the pole as mentioned by Strangefox. Also understand that the twisted grip handspring from standing isn’t for everyone and a true grip or cup grip might be better. But even if you use the most neutral grip some might still find handsprings and cartwheels to be a move that doesn’t work for them.
Another thought….Just understanding the concept and steps of a move doesn’t mean you’ll be able to do the move within a few tries. Things like handstands take time. Practice the techniques over and over. Our bodies have to learn how to balance and this doesn’t happen overnight.
Feel free to post a video if you’d like us to give you more input 🙂
Awesome! If you’re wondering what to work on for strength building the 30 day take off program (as mentioned) is perfect or just follow the lessons in order starting with conditioning and strength. Also check out all of the routines, many are focused on building strength and conditioning. Keep you’re eyes open for a Halloween sale! When you purchase the lessons online you also have free access to the app.
Which handspring? Twisted grip cartwheel mount or handspring? https://www.studioveena.com/videos/view/5703c6a9-e2e8-4079-9b48-1a8eac110003
I hope your journey is going well! As a new poler regardless of size you should spend the first few weeks focusing on moves that build strength. Moves like pole holds, climb, side holds, scapula and shoulders strengthening. They can be done in a fun way and it doesn’t have to be mechanical. All of this is planned out for you in the 30 take off program and all other programs here. 💜
Don’t use grip aids, right away unless you are slick from sweat or have dry skin that is slick. Work on something called grip control. It’s learning how to control the amount of squeezing you need for transitions and tricks. Many of the lessons here mention in the description when they help with grip control. There a some routines as well 💜
We have a Free lessons section that will work for you to share. Otherwise you can share any lesson but only paid members can view.
You can find all the September IG tutorials in the NEWEST lessons section. 💜 https://www.studioveena.com/lessons/view_category/new_lessons