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Yes thats the jade!!! I was finally brave enough to try it in the video I just posted. Its a long vid so I wont post it in here but if you want to see it its in the pic and vid section or youtube vid section.
i dont want to offend anyone, so i’m bringing it up now and if anyone is uncomfortable i wont post it.
Hey Taylor I wouldn’t worry about it too much I think everyone is pretty open to all the styles of dance on this site. Plus your suppose to be 18 to be a member. I know It wont bother me so I say go for it, sexy pole dance comes most naturally to me too.
AdministratorJanuary 6, 2009 at 8:51 pm in reply to: How does everyone structure their pole practices?Joel you should sign up! I think you would have no problem understanding. I never use crazy terms. I think its too confusing for beginners. RED has great tutorials (I was just trying her superman fall yesterday) but be careful with some of the expertvillage stuff, I’ve seen some of them. Some… not all, are poorly taught or even dangerous.
As for the practice…well at this point with Henry needing my attention often I’m lucky to have any more than 30 to 45 min from start to finish to practice. I try to do a proper warm up…but usually I’m pressed for time. I ALWAYS make sure to warm my shoulders and wrists. I wont perform any difficult moves until I’ve danced around a bit to get my body temp up. I always stretch after even if its only 5 mins. On the weekends when my husband is home I’m able to have a proper practice from start to finish and thats when I learn the most and have the best results. Oh and I try to pole at least 4 days a week.
Hi, Welcome! It was fun meeting you in chat the other day. 5 kids WOW fantastic Check out our fri. chat sometime, there’s lot of great girls there. Looking forward to seeing your vids.
You know LittleMissLola you have a very good point. I would hate to loose the dance aspect of pole and if it were an Olympic sport the sensual side would surely be gone. I never really thought of that. I do kinda like the fact that its a bit taboo …. I have always like being a bit of a rebel but…on the other hand I don’t want my children growing up and thinking am a crazy sex freak either!
I’m not too familiar with the X games so maybe that would be a better fit? All I know is pole dancing is TOUGH and we polers should get credit for that!!! I guess I’ll have to think about the whole Olympic thing some more..but at this point I don’t think we need to worry too much we’re not even close to being an organized sport. -
OMG I have that book too. I totally remember that poor guy!! haha She does have some good ideas though, she’s the reason I use a stage name for my videos. I could just never see Julie (me) pole dancing, but Veena could do anything! I’m not sure why that part of the book stuck with me.
Here’s the approach I took with them.STEP KICK PULL -
hey where is everybody??
I agree Jamilla has a nice approach in her dvds.
It will get better with practice. You’ll learn how hard to grip and your hands will toughen up. Taking breaks in between spins is really helpful, try stretching, floor work, inverts or transitions during your break.
Hey Taylor I created a forum section just for Resolutions. I’ll lock this topic so people will post in the other section.
what is the Jade split that you guys are talking about?? is it a middle split??
the jade is a inverted split on the pole.. like doing a side split on the floor but upside down on the pole and using no hands!! I think I might be brave enough to try it in my next video, yikes we’ll see. Its sooo cool to hear how everyone is progressing
Good tips georgiamarie! and plastic poles ouch. Heres my tip for learning leg placement for a basic invert. Try if from the floor first…so you lay beside the pole, close enough so that the pole is almost right under your armpit. Remember to try invert from both side. Get your arms into the proper position (outside arm above the inside arm.) Get your legs into the proper position (outside leg towards your body inside leg to the side of the pole that your body is facing away from.) You can even practice pulling up with your arms from this position. Trying it from the floor will give you time to mess around with the leg position without the fear of falling.
AdministratorDecember 30, 2008 at 10:46 pm in reply to: Hate stretching before a pole workout?Hey some people DO read the articals This is a great thread. I rarely have time to do a proper warm up so I do the very same thing angel talks about. DANCE DANCE DANCE I have a bad right shoulder and whenever think I’m gonna save time and skip warming up…I always aggravate that shoulder. I always do shoulder rolls now no matter what! I use to skip stretching too. I hadn’t done any stretching during the majority of my pregnancy so after I had Henry I felt like an old brittle board but now its one of my favorite things because I listened to my own advice (for once) and started stretching daily WOW, what a difference.
Oh and I love the "for dummies books" -
Thank you guys
Taylor my video camera is a Sony Handycam 3.0 mega pixels it’s the kind that use the little bitty dvds. I have been really pleased with it.