Forum Replies Created
Hey Taylor I created a forum section just for Resolutions. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif I’ll lock this topic so people will post in the other section.
what is the Jade split that you guys are talking about?? is it a middle split??
the jade is a inverted split on the pole.. like doing a side split on the floor but upside down on the pole and using no hands!! I think I might be brave enough to try it in my next video, yikes https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif we’ll see. Its sooo cool to hear how everyone is progressing https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumright.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumleft.gif
Good tips georgiamarie! and plastic poles ouch. Heres my tip for learning leg placement for a basic invert. Try if from the floor first…so you lay beside the pole, close enough so that the pole is almost right under your armpit. Remember to try invert from both side. Get your arms into the proper position (outside arm above the inside arm.) Get your legs into the proper position (outside leg towards your body inside leg to the side of the pole that your body is facing away from.) You can even practice pulling up with your arms from this position. Trying it from the floor will give you time to mess around with the leg position without the fear of falling. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
AdministratorDecember 30, 2008 at 10:46 pm in reply to: Hate stretching before a pole workout?Hey some people DO read the articals https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_study.gif This is a great thread. I rarely have time to do a proper warm up so I do the very same thing angel talks about. DANCE DANCE DANCE https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif I have a bad right shoulder and whenever think I’m gonna save time and skip warming up…I always aggravate that shoulder. I always do shoulder rolls now no matter what! I use to skip stretching too. I hadn’t done any stretching during the majority of my pregnancy so after I had Henry I felt like an old brittle board https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif but now its one of my favorite things because I listened to my own advice (for once) and started stretching daily WOW, what a difference. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_geek.gif
Oh and I love the "for dummies books" https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_ugeek.gif -
Thank you guys https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_santa.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_rendeer.gif
Taylor my video camera is a Sony Handycam 3.0 mega pixels it’s the kind that use the little bitty dvds. I have been really pleased with it. -
Congratulations everyone https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif … I just had a happy moment myself today! I finally was able to do a pretty full split Jade…I’m so excited. It was one of the moves I had been working on just before I found out I was pregnant but had never been able to do the full split. I’m so happy https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_geek.gif
1. This forum is for pole dancers and those who want to learn more about pole dancing.
2. Please try your best to place topics in the correct place.
3. No pornographic material.
4. Please keep the language clean.
5. Keep rude comments to yourself! This is a friendly site, we all love the same sport so support each other.
6. Studio Veena has the right to remove any post or user.
7. No spamming
Happy poling,
Veena -
I think it’s easy to put up and take down…I had to take my X down a lot when we were selling our house. It’s meant to be moved frequently and the care instructions even say that you should take your X down once a week (most people don’t I know I sure don’t shhhh!) https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_redface.gif to clean and maintain.
As for the size I have both but not the titanium, The 45 is easier to grip with your hands but…more difficult or I should say painful, to do moves that require you to grip with your legs…the jade would be more painful…trust me I’ve tried. But I really do love my 45. My spins are wicked fast on the 45! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
My opinion would be if you already have the 50mm get the 45 I really enjoy both of mine https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_santa.gif
I love Michael Buble Deirdre. Nice choice. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumright.gif I also think the Black eyed peas can be great. I know they always get me wanting to move.
Feeling Good and Me and Mrs. Jones both by Michael Buble.
pole-twista so far the schedule is just Fridays and I pop in and out all day. 2-4 my time being the busiest. The times are a bit hard to say because I have to work around Henrys schedule. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif He is getting more and more regular so I should be able to give more specific times soon. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif
I will be there later on today around 2 or 3 my time! Hope to see you all. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_santa.gif
The boys want to video tape there "lesson" with me. So we can turn it into a little how to!! I’ll share it with everyone here.https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_rendeer.gif
Nothing is wrong….all you need to do is tighten up the 2 screws on the very bottom of the pole, with your little allen wrench (the L shaped thing in your x pole kit). The little screws change it from static to spinning and if they’re not tight the pole will move like that. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
I’m in the planing process of new videos….Thanks for the great idea https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_idea.gif Untamedshrew.
Deidre…the challenge is a great idea too https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif