Forum Replies Created
Yeah, if you can’t come up with something, wearing them for photos would work ðŸ˜
This made my day!!!!!
I love that I can reach so many by having lessons online, but I miss out on the in person happy moments! Thank you for taking the time to let me in on your journey 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
There will be more programs to come in the future!
Those are so cute! Did you ever figure anything out?
If you’re seeing bruising, then know its a matter of getting use to the move and adjusting to putting weight on the calf.
I don’t suggest starting off with holding the whole body, do lots of Leg hook side holds and things of that nature, Star and advanced star for a few weeks, then try moves holding your whole body. Make sure you’re using the hamstring (back of the thigh) to pull onto the pole and not just ramming the calf into the pole. There should be a lot of contraction going on from the hamstring. You might also be pointing the foot realllly hard while holding, or flexing reallllly hard, this will affect your calf. Some grips take months for the body to adjust to so work up to it.
My calves get sore after filming a challenge or lessons with a lot of repetitive knee pit grips so it’s not an abnormal thing.
Make sure to stretch the calves after training knee pit grips and as long as you don’t have bruising foam rolling can be great too.
Hi! Strobes or anything flashing or dark will not translate well into video, if the whole video is flashing and dark it’s not fun to watch. Those lights are better for in person dances, but even then I’m not a fan of flashing lights.
For video, I like full sun, spot light, or even a lighting strip or wall of light is nice. A nice set of photography lights are great too, and I use them for my IG challenges and lessons.
AdministratorMarch 12, 2019 at 3:51 pm in reply to: Problems with silicone pole that I ordered.Silicone is the one finish I don’t have! I’m sure if you bought it from xpole it’s not used, but not how they normally look.
Oh boy, I didn’t know it was a bruise, yeah don’t foam roll until that’s gone!
I’d say everything I dance or workout in is stretchy workout/swimwear. I had a pair of cotton bottoms and they stretched out of shape pretty fast. You might find something you like if you search in the yoga realm.
Nothing wrong with giving it some rest if it’s still pretty sore. I like to use a foam roller and heat if I’m feeling sore. Don’t go full out until you feel better 🙂
AdministratorMarch 5, 2019 at 10:01 pm in reply to: Intermediate/Advanced – where do I start?Great!! 😄
I feel you should be able to use spinning pole. 😊
AdministratorFebruary 28, 2019 at 1:59 am in reply to: Beginner working on my pole hold…am I feeling it in the wrong muscle group?Nope that’s right! It’s mostly about building upper body strength. Once you become stronger you can do abdominal work while using pole hold. For now just keep at it.
AdministratorFebruary 27, 2019 at 11:51 pm in reply to: Intermediate/Advanced – where do I start?Hi! Unfortunately there’s no standard when it comes to levels. One studio might call one move intermediate and here I might label it advanced. So without seeing you dance it’s hard to say what you should work on.
If you’re new to the website, I suggest you start by looking around and for sure watch each lesson posted at the beginning of every section. All of my lessons are place in progressive order so keep that in mind. If you’re looking for combos check out the Bonus pole section. If you want routines check out the routine section.
This video will give you some info on how to use these lessons…https://www.studioveena.com/lessons/view/4dd006a7-c45c-4c1e-b6b6-4a870ac37250
Depends on if you still feel a bit sick..if so start over because it will be a gentle way to work back up to more activity. If you’re feeling pretty good now go ahead and start back where you left off. 🙂
This answer was assuming you purchased the app and not on the phone from the website. If that’s the case use the contact link for help. Also make sure your using the correct email address. Sometimes people forget which one they used.