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  • Veena

    October 30, 2018 at 12:31 am in reply to: Any benefit to REALLY high heels?

    It depends on the heel!

    If you get clear heels they tend to be heavier than colored. So the taller ones are heaver if they are clear, I don’t notice a difference in weight with my taller colored heels tho. I think dancing in 7 inch heels is more comfortable than the shorter 6 and under…but that’s if you get a nice quality heel. Like Pleaser and Ellie. The extra weight doesn’t help in any pole moves πŸ™‚

    If you’re asking about the chromed heels…. the color does wear off over time, the straps color will flake off over time too. Go with clear straps if you don’t want flaking. Honestly I think a 7 inch is a good way to go. 8 might be a little too much if you are not super great with balance….but again if you can try them on you might find a style that is 8 inches that feels stable. It’s all about how the heel is made!

  • Veena

    October 28, 2018 at 9:41 pm in reply to: Twisted grip? Yes or no?

    You don’t have to learn TG. πŸ™‚ The only time I use it is when I’m inverted and the TG arm is below me (so arm at my side and not overhead). This keeps any pinching off the shoulder joint.

  • The stands routine can help with builded the strength and technique, so don’t worry, give it a try!

  • Veena

    October 21, 2018 at 7:44 pm in reply to: Tips on getting the last few inches in front splits?

    Hi Zoe, yes this is an old thread. We have many about splits πŸ™‚

    How soon you achieve a full split will vary even if you see progress quickly at first. It’s also not uncommon to see progress and them become stuck. If this happens it’s a good idea to vary what stretches you’re doing. The body gets use to movement patterns and will no longer be challenged in the same way at a certain point, unless you switch things up.

    I will suggest that if you’re only stretching for left leg splits, start training for all splits, your body will thank you for stretching both sides. In fact you’ll see even better progress if you train your full body, back, shoulders etc. If we just focus on one area that’s when imbalances happen and injuries can occur. Having a split isn’t as important as training properly to reach your bodies full potential.

    Feel free to check out my stretching routines here if you haven’t’ use them already!

  • Veena

    October 20, 2018 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Gap between x pole tubes

    I would contact xpole.

  • Veena

    October 17, 2018 at 3:40 am in reply to: Invert

    The v chopper isn’t a good beginner option for inverting. Using a controlled sweeping of the leg is a good way to start. Here’s an old video I made talking about controlled momentum A caterpillar or at least the caterpillar I know, is done after you invert so I’m not sure about that part of the question, unless you’re referring to using a reverse handstand to get into caterpillar?

    Have you tried any programs yet? I’ve got a 30 day invert program that can help! It provides you with 30 days of exercises, drills and training tips for the invert specifically.

    One last thing to remember, there isn’t a time line of when someone should be able to invert or do certain moves. It will all depend on how often you train, moves like inverts require consistent poling and your previous background can affect how quickly you move along in pole. There are tons of fun thing you can do without ever inverting πŸ™‚

  • Veena

    October 11, 2018 at 9:50 pm in reply to: IG HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE

    I’ll be posting the first day starting tomorrow!!!!!

  • Veena

    October 8, 2018 at 3:08 am in reply to: When is it time to leave the studio?

    Yup I agree!! One of the biggest struggles many instructor deals with (in studio or online) is getting students to understand the importance of progression! Honestly, I feel like social media, IG for example and even some online teaching tools don’t focus enough on progression. Sadly these are wildly popular and many new dancers and even teachers, have no clue that skipping over fundamentals is often why a student can’t progress. Randomly learning tricks can work for some but it’s just not appropriate most. I also see many dancers pushing themselves into moves their bodies aren’t ready for.

    I take pride in doing my best to provide lessons that guide both students and teachers toward progression and not just tricks. All the fame in the world doesn’t provide those aspects.

  • Veena

    October 4, 2018 at 10:38 pm in reply to: Your insights and advice needed re. *fear* of bruising

    Hi Gina g! Have you tried working on flow instead of tricks and spins for a while? Focusing on flow could help you get a better sense of how your body moves and help you feel more connected. Flow pole doesn’t rely on tricks but rather movement!

    If you’re interested, check out the 30 day flow program, we do spins in this program but not right away. Also a lot of pole work doesn’t require you to come towards the pole in away that would make sudden contact. If static spins aren’t your thing, no big deal! I hardly do static spins myself πŸ™‚

    Also you’re not alone as far as bruising a lot, I know of many girls who bruise a lot, it’s ok! The more you worry about something the bigger it becomes in your head and you end up gravitating towards the exact thing you were afraid of!!!

  • Veena

    October 4, 2018 at 10:23 pm in reply to: New programs?

    Hi Poleaventures!

    Webmaster and I have some big things in the works! It’s only the two of us who run SV and so we do our best to pick and choose what needs to take top priority. Things like planning, filming, editing and tech related work go unseen and members have no idea that we are hard at work πŸ™‚

    Also the Instagram challenges are very popular and they take a good amount of my time as well.

  • Veena

    October 4, 2018 at 2:03 am in reply to: Powder Coated X-pole? Lil Mynx Rotator? Please help!

    Whatever you decide if you have trouble gripping I have found that as long as you are not having grip issues do to sweat this grip aid combo makes every pole finish workable!

  • Veena

    October 2, 2018 at 2:57 pm in reply to: Powder Coated X-pole? Lil Mynx Rotator? Please help!

    Oh and I prefer the Platinum stages brass finish over the xpole brass. My xpole brass can be temperamental

  • Veena

    October 2, 2018 at 2:56 pm in reply to: Powder Coated X-pole? Lil Mynx Rotator? Please help!

    I love the PC finish on my SV pole (I don’t use it now because my ceilings now are too high. Ò˜¹ï¸ I have the xpole PC, it’s not the same. I prefer my new brass Plantinum stages to the xpole PC.

    The Lil mynx PC is not the same as the PC SV pole, either tho! I’m guessing it might be close. I love how light the Lil mynx pole is and the quick set up. If you don’t need to remove your pole a permanent brass is my new favorite.

  • Veena

    September 25, 2018 at 11:20 pm in reply to: When is it time to leave the studio?

    Thank you for your kind words StrangeFox!

    Addressing the being hard on yourself….I think pole is still so new that both teachers and students don’t yet understand what moves are truly beginner or appropriate for the general population. As in people who do pole for fun. Training moves that are more for dedicated, focused dancers will be a bit different. My goal is to help both types of dancers!

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