Forum Replies Created
These are great ideas and replies! I think most of us have struggled with body issues (I sure have) and I agree that finding clothing that you feel makes you look nice is so helpful. It can be as simple as finding the right pole shorts or leggings (not every style looks good on everyone!)
Remember that the people who react to you in a negative way on social media are UNHAPPY. If you’re a person who is satisfied with who you are and where you are in life you don’t feel the need to try and hurt someones feelings, I feel sorry for haters. What others say about you says FAR more about them!
Last thing…most of what you see on IG is the BEST that person can do or has done. It’s far from reality for the most part.
Ttmontes. If you’re asking about if you can lift weight and pole yes! I use to lift and pole, now I just pole or do body weight work cuz it’s fun. I suggest doing any strength based work on the same day when first starting pole. This will give you enough rest days. However, if you’ve been seriously lifting for a while, feel free to continue with your normal weight training and add pole in 3 times a week. The most important thing is to listen to your body and if you’re not recovering it’s time to back off.
AdministratorJanuary 7, 2018 at 4:11 pm in reply to: how many times a week should I do pole to see good progress??You can work on the invert program. This doesn’t mean you will achieve an invert right away but it’s a great technique and strength builder over all.
Hi and welcome! There are TONS of polers over 40! I didn’t start pole dancing until a month before I turned 30, I’m now 40 and it’s still the best exercise I know of. I have never been a dancer or gymnast. My background is in personal training, which is why I’m focused on strength building first and technique to prevent injuy.
If you start with a good foundation (like the method I developed) you can start learning pole dance anytime, it doesn’t matter what your age or fitness background is. Keep in mind that all lessons are place in order so no matter what category you look at always watch the first lesson and it will answer many common questions and get you started off right.
As mentioned, the 30 day take off was created for those with no background in fitness or dance so starting there is a great option.
AdministratorJanuary 5, 2018 at 4:21 pm in reply to: how many times a week should I do pole to see good progress??To see progress? 3 to 4 times a week. If you’re new to exercise having rest days is very important and poling daily can lead to overuse injury, like tendonitis and shoulder issues. It’s important to develope strength needed in shoulders and other areas so you can progress safely, but using the same muscles over and over without rest won’t help.
If you follow ANY of my 30 day programs you’ll find a balanced layout that allows for progression and adequate rest.
Also if you just like to pole for fun, there’s nothing wrong with once a week or less, just don’t expect heaps of improvement. You can still have fun and benifit from pole even if you stay at beginner level. 💜
I did a fb live all about body waves. I think I shared it to the fb group too! I get the link for the video off fb friends my phone 😓
Try reassembling it and if that doesn’t change it call xpole.😊
For both the biggest thing is practice!!! For the leg waves make sure the motion isn’t ONLY coming from the knees. There’s motion from the hip as well creating an up and down motion as you bend and straighten the knee. For the inverted floor split…start with a tuck then start to extend from there.
Did you watch the lessons for those 2?
Yay fox!
Everyone feel free to mention your IG name here so others can follow if you like!
Thank you 21 years today and happy birthday to you my dear friend!🎉🎉
I’ll upload the first demo tomorrow!!!
My aura heels are 7.5 in height. Foot size is 7.
It’s totally common for you to struggle with static if you start on spin and vise versa!