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  • velvetvixen

    March 3, 2010 at 1:40 am in reply to: Christianity & Pole Dancing & Boundaries

    I would talk to him or consider how you feel as well. My husband and I are both Christian. He has said he doesn’t want to see any videos and anybody else pole dance for two reasons.
    1. He’s going to find it sexy regardless and doesn’t think that way of other women
    2. He wants me to wow him each time. He has nothing to compare me to so I don’t need to feel any pressure to be sexier than so and so. I’m just sexy. I actually love that he is that way, it give me confidence, and I don’t have to worry about him struggling w/ keeping a clean mind.

    If you are not OK with him watching other women than say so, theres nothing wrong about that either. You could always record your performance.

    Surprisingly, he is ok with me pole dancing in public setting. We just talked about this. I will be going to a pole jam that will be in a public club soon. He said he knows my intention with it and it would be just dancing. If other men find that sexy, which they could with regular dancing as well, that would be there issue not mine. Now if my intention were to change its up to me to catch that myself and adjust as necessary.

    I also agree with Charley said about why test boundaries. But it all up to you. Do what you feel is right.

  • velvetvixen

    February 25, 2010 at 9:25 pm in reply to: Pole DVDs/ Clothes for sale

    Sfactor and Leign Ann 1 have both been sold.

  • velvetvixen

    February 24, 2010 at 9:48 pm in reply to: Pole DVDs/ Clothes for sale

    kcfl5-Someone did contact me about Leign Ann 1 but its not a confirmed thing yet. You will be next on the list though.

  • velvetvixen

    February 24, 2010 at 9:16 pm in reply to: Video Looks Squashed/ Add Black frames?

    I either need a key or use it as a trial. I only saw trial versions. Could you send me link you used for free version? Thanks.

  • velvetvixen

    February 24, 2010 at 9:10 pm in reply to: does anyone own a pair of clear topped shoes?

    If you do get clear, make sure it has a thin metal "rod" in the heel. Its barely noticeable. Those type of heels can break easier and the metal rod will prevent you from hurting yourself as bad.

  • velvetvixen

    February 22, 2010 at 3:14 pm in reply to: Making your own pole Competition outfits!

    It looks a lot better than how you described it! It definitely more artistic than Britney Spears. I think its a good overall look and compliments your tattoos vs being to cluttered or standing out to much.

    Its hard to tell from the picture if one arm is heavier on the tatoos but it looks that way to me. I like how you made the right side different from the left. Plus it balances your "heavier tattooed arm." You don’t want one side to have all the "major decor" or else it wont seem balanced.

    I think you did a great job. I love the outfit! Oh the flower in your hair too!

  • velvetvixen

    February 19, 2010 at 9:02 pm in reply to: Video Looks Squashed/ Add Black frames?

    Thanks so much! I download it and will have to try it out.

  • velvetvixen

    February 18, 2010 at 2:01 pm in reply to: DVDs 4 sale-bellydance, pole, chair, pilates, stretch

    I may be interested in #3 -the chair dancing one. Does it have a lot of chair moves broken down or is mainly a workout with a chair dance routine at the end? I have several DVDs, anything else you could compare it to to get an idea?

    I could pay or possibly do a trade as I have quite a bit as well. Thanks.

  • velvetvixen

    February 16, 2010 at 7:14 pm in reply to: What are you doing for Vday? 🙂

    halfjack-Thanks. I wrote about it on my blog. That’s awesome you went as Cheetara! Did people recognize who you were?

  • velvetvixen

    February 16, 2010 at 12:12 am in reply to: I’m so happy and HEEERE’S the reason why!

    Congrats! Thats great news. I’m glad a door opened up for you.

  • velvetvixen

    February 15, 2010 at 12:05 am in reply to: I WANT (outfit thread)

    Smaller bust? A few have mentioned having trouble finding items that flatter smaller busts. I found this site that caters to A and B sizes. I haven’t bought anything from them yet. The nice thing is the pictures are more accurate b/c they use smaller busted models so you can get an idea how it may look better on YOU. (Unlike other shops showing REALLY busty women.)

    I like my smaller bust and you can find flattering things if you shop long enough. Hopefully this site could narrow it down some.

  • velvetvixen

    February 13, 2010 at 2:44 pm in reply to: Pole Skivvies Interview!

    Great interview and pictures!

    You mentioned, "My plan is to develop an injury prevention program designed specifically for pole dancers." That would be something I would love to know and think is needed! I hope you do develop it sometime. I’m sure it would be great for studios and performers. I love to see it available to individuals as well!

  • velvetvixen

    February 12, 2010 at 10:17 pm in reply to: What are you doing for Vday? 🙂

    Fleur – Doing nothing at all could be just what is needed. Pamper yourself, you deserve it. I just found out they have anti-valentines parties to if you wanted to go out. lol

  • velvetvixen

    February 12, 2010 at 10:12 pm in reply to: What are you doing for Vday? 🙂

    Audball-That sounds fun. I just realized I’ve never been to a french restaurant! We tend to go to Italian or Mexican. lol I will have to go to one sometime. Boring? Nah, all that is need is you and your bf! Have fun you two!

    polergirl- He has seen a video once and a prettier dance. But nothing sexy just for him! I can’t wait, I’m excited about it.

    verucablue-Mortified sounds awesome! Too bad they aren’t coming to my area. I still have my pink Barbie diary from long ago! lol I hope you and your husband enjoy dinner and the show.

    Angel1201-"Hubby’s gonna get a chubby!!" lol I love Halloween too! My husband and I’s first date was on Halloween (we were long distance and meet up at his home town.) We actually got our picture taken together b/c of our costumes. Most people don’t have their first date on camera! Now that we have a house I want to throw a costume party. There are so many ideas, but Martha Stewart website has some of the best! Check it out sometime.

    poleophile – Thanks. You should see my "Bed, Bath, and Beyond" (get it? gift card I made him last year! It had items he could "buy" on the back! The names were the greatest. lol Is it a class made for couples or a class you are taking together? Have fun with the lapdance!

    minicoopergrl- My husband isn’t big on romantic gestures either. He said he was planning something but I’m try not getting my hopes up. lol Now that he knows what I planned maybe he will try harder! He enjoys going out with me but he tells me he’d rather ME plan stuff b/c he never thinks to/sucks at it. He likes to just show up. Maybe he is the same way? Sometimes its annoying, but I like planning things, so I take over. You could plan something afterwords or on another day? Doesn’t have to be big, just time together is good. Enjoy practicing on your Ms Xpose routines.

    SandyBrown- Poling and pampering. Sounds like a perfect day!

    halfjack -Thanks! Anti valentines party? Interesting. I’m assuming its just a normal party or does it go with the theme? I found these ideas online: lol Have fun!

  • velvetvixen

    February 12, 2010 at 8:40 pm in reply to: Headaches

    Adding to what everyone has already mention, I wanted to say what worked for me.
    I used to get migraines often (1-2) a week. I did a lot of research b/c doctors kinda dismiss headaches or try to give you meds that I wont take. I had a friend die from taking them, she went to sleep with a migraine and never woke up, she was in her 20’s… so I refuse to take them.

    The most helpful for me was keeping a consistent schedule. I go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekend. If I stay up late I will 95% of the time end up with a migraine. Same with food. Keep snacks on you if you cant always go to lunch at the same time. This cut my headaches by 50% right away.

    I am on progestin only pills (POP) it is the only pill I can take b/c of headaches. I switched doctors and she literally freaked out and put me on this when I mentioned migraine. This has also reduced headaches.

    I have headache trackers and other info if you’d like me to send you some info. Triggers are all different but I think the consistent schedule and BC pills are a big one to address! Good luck.

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