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  • velvetvixen

    October 19, 2009 at 9:58 pm in reply to: Which shoes- adjustable toe strap! or pad "regular" shoes?

    luvlee- I did check out hustler to get an idea of size but I may be skewed. I have it in my mind that I have big feet all my life. pixiedustbelly suggested a smaller size on here as well, that even though my toes are close to the edge, a smaller size may actually help, which is the opposite of what did and went bigger.

    I tried some Halloween stores but it was hit or miss, you may have some luck. I think I may go back to hustler and try on the other sizes. The lady there said I needed an 11 which they don’t carry in any style but maybe she was thinking like I was. Maybe smaller is better." onclick=";return false; has free shipping and free RETURNS. They also price match. I have a couple of $10 off of $50 coupon I can send anybody and I get credit for it (its legit from their site) so let me know if you go that route.

    If you find anything pole-related locally let me know!

  • velvetvixen

    October 18, 2009 at 5:03 pm in reply to: Pole Goals and Plans

    I read a study in Psychology Today (magazine) that if you visualize or watch how to do something you retain and learn from it, as long as it is done the correct way and it could be more beneficial than practicing the wrong way since our body has body memory from repetition. I hope that makes since. I’m not sure what issue it was, I got it at the library. If you want me to look for it I can, let me know. So your still doing your body good from your watching videos! Taking you time to learn how to do moves the right way is a good idea too.

    I think we all would admit to watching vidoes and just wishing. Just do what you can and start practicing but no need to beat yourself up b/c we all "dont stay on track." I know I need to set some goals now, b/c in the winter I am more likely to slack. (I hate the cold and winter, I tend to have no energy and get down.) I’m hoping I can keep up with pole in the winter since exercise is supposed to help with that. I convinced my husband to let me get the pole early for b/day and Christmas while I have motivation cause come winter it will be harder for me. I acknowledge this about my self and hopefully my goals and setting a good routine will help.

    Setting some goals is a good idea, but you can always change them too. Plus we don’t have to follow them perfectly either. Realistic is always better. Some people need a reward or accountability to keep motivated. I also have a list of why to pole/exercise to help motivate me when I don’t feel like it. Sometimes a break is necessary too. Good luck with it!

  • velvetvixen

    October 17, 2009 at 1:36 pm in reply to: Which shoes- adjustable toe strap! or pad "regular" shoes?

    FreetheSun- Hmm you may be right about the lace shoes. It could look not so pretty if they were adjustable! I do like the classic shoes I got (two pairs-red and black) so I may pad them (sole and toe strap!) and send the other pair back and get a different shoe for the other to try. Clear packing tape is a good idea,maybe even for clothing ? I’ll have to try it. I have a skirt that has a ring to put strap on (I took them off) but the ring is still there, now maybe I could wear it on the pole!

    georgiamarie -Your probably right about poles in general wont be "perfect." I just got mine and it had scratches, discoloration (very lightly and small) straight from the box. I tried to wipe it away and it did no good. I have a little pretty box to put my rings in sitting on my window sill. Your mom called you silly billy? That’s so cute!

  • velvetvixen

    October 16, 2009 at 9:39 pm in reply to: Pole Goals and Plans

    Attending a pole competition would be really cool! I remember seeing my instructor perform at the studio open house and I was in awe seeing it live. Imagine a whole slew of pole dancing, probably be hard to sit still or maybe you’ll just have your mouth hanging open. He he There probably isn’t much near me. Do you live in an area that has more pole related activities going on or would you have to travel? I hope you get to go! You’ll have to tell us all about it.

    My husband is already having too much fun saying "look a pole" , maybe I should try it on things other than a dancer pole. I’m a chicken foot though!

    Good luck with all your goals.

  • velvetvixen

    October 15, 2009 at 1:10 pm in reply to: Question about shoe sizes

    I end up finding some pole shoes with an adjustable toe strap but wonder if they will scratch the pole or if be better to pad the "regular" shoes. See shoes here:


  • velvetvixen

    October 10, 2009 at 12:20 pm in reply to: Miss Xpose 2010

    How exciting! I wish you the best of luck. Let us know about the whole process (how you prepared, what picked, etc) and the results. Be interesting to hear about. Have fun!

  • velvetvixen

    October 10, 2009 at 12:10 pm in reply to: Video Comment Etiquette

    Perhaps you could private message them the comments? I also wish we got notifications as well. I’ve honestly thought about making it so it says on my blog ‘reply by private message" or something like that b/c I will get comments on blog I wrote in the past and I dont know it until I look at all my blogs I wrote again. Someone had asked a questions and I didn’t notice til later, I hope they didn’t think I was ignoring them! (I explained but still…) I try to go back and see if anyone posted to my blog as well b/c I do appreciate the comments.

    I can’t always remember where I even put a comment or replied to a topic on the form. Is there a way to see your history at all? Thanks.

  • velvetvixen

    October 9, 2009 at 7:35 pm in reply to: Question about shoe sizes

    Good suggestions everyone! Sorry this is so short. I’m heading to leave for vacation. I’ll deal with the shoe situation later and take the great advice.

  • velvetvixen

    October 8, 2009 at 9:45 pm in reply to: Question about shoe sizes

    I got my shoes today. So disappointed. *cries* I received my 2 pairs of shoes I ordered from (who has free returns luckily) and toe strap gaps over my toes! I checked out Halloween/ adult / hustler but none carry my size or have same gaping problem about an 1 in over my toes. I ordered an 10 and and 11 and there isn’t much difference b/t them. I wonder if I have to go up to 11? My toes stick over the edge slightly still. I normally wear a 9 in dress shoe and 10 in tennis. I have a narrow foot and I guess a "thin height" foot as well. Think skeleton foot, grr.

    I need shoes b/c I dont like the looks of barefeet. Sigh. Hopefully returns are easy. Anyone have any suggestions or know any shoes with a adjustable toe strap?

  • velvetvixen

    October 7, 2009 at 9:44 pm in reply to: Hi all 🙂 From Cleveland, Ohio US

    Hi and welcome. I’m from Cincinnati, OH. Studio Veena is a great resource. Hope you enjoy it here!

  • velvetvixen

    October 7, 2009 at 8:20 pm in reply to: Question about shoe sizes has free shipping and FREE RETURNS. They also match competitors prices, they did for me. I got two different size pleasers (10,11) b/c I wasn’t sure which would be better. I should be receiving them Thursday. Then which ever size I don’t want I’ll send back and get the right size. I have trouble b/c I have narrow feet and the part over the toes tends to be 1" above my toes! I went to Hustler locally to try some one but they don’t carry anything past a 10. Good luck!

  • velvetvixen

    October 7, 2009 at 8:11 pm in reply to: New x pole and its set up……

    Congrads on the pole. I just ordered mine a few days ago so I cant wait! I have seen some mats (similar to gymnastic mats) made for the pole. I don’t know much about it though. Good luck and enjoy!

  • velvetvixen

    October 6, 2009 at 10:15 pm in reply to: 8 ft pole cause problems? 14ft pole husband not like idea

    I’m not sure our house is typical but there is no attic. The only way to get in there is to take the drywall ceiling itself down and right behind it is insulation and the roof beams. Perhaps they designed it stupid or it could be considered an finished attic in a way? Anyway he questions the whole room b/c they did a crappy job where you can see things so who knows what they did "behind the scenes." Luckily the rest of our house is the original and was worth getting.

    Out of curiosity, what pole did you get for your vaulted ceiling?

  • velvetvixen

    October 6, 2009 at 9:00 pm in reply to: 8 ft pole cause problems? 14ft pole husband not like idea

    Thanks for the info! My husband and I talked and decided to do the 8 ft one first and if I’m really really into pole dancing and want a bigger pole, he said I could sell the x-pole one and get a taller one later. Then he would go to all the effort to figuring out how to do the tall one at that point. So I’m not "stuck" with the one if I end up not liking it, though it may just be fine for me. I cant wait to get a pole!

  • velvetvixen

    September 28, 2009 at 7:59 pm in reply to: New user "biography" form?

    name: Its a secret
    age: 26
    location: Cincinnati, OH
    stage name: My "erotic creature" has many sides: Velvet Vixen, Veronica (more "bad’) and Victoria (sweeter). I like V names. My real name doesnt have any v’s.
    lessons or self taught: Both. I go to a pole class 2x a month and I do the rest at home w/ DVDs and internet.
    spin or static: Static for now.
    shoes or barefoot: I like the look of Shoes. But I start anything new w/o shoes.
    favorite pole move: Any I can do! I don’t have a favorite yet.
    day job: My husband and I own our own business.
    your best/sexiest feature: Eyes, chest, stomach, and legs. Oh and long hair!
    how you got into pole dancing: I secretly always wanted to do it. I always liked the more sensual dances and first did belly dancing. I then did Sfactor Dvds/Carmen Electra and now can find so much more on pole dancing! I now have the time/space to do Pole dancing which I like better! More variety and can easily add different styles of dance to it!
    how you found out about , it had a list of pole dancing forums (this is my favorite forum!)
    if you were a pair of underwear would you be a thong, boy shorts, bikini cut or granny panties: A beautiful corset with a matching pair of underwear!

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