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  • velvetvixen

    September 28, 2009 at 6:01 pm in reply to: SO HAPPY!!!

    Congrads! That’s awesome you won! Out of curiosity, how did they determine a winner? Judges or the audience response?

  • velvetvixen

    September 27, 2009 at 4:29 pm in reply to: HARDWOOD OR TALL POLE??

    I have been debating the exact same thing. Veena, is the rooms your considering on different floors like mine? I have hardwood downstairs with shorter ceiling and carpeted upstairs (with no nice wood beneath it) with tall ceilings. I’m having a hard time figuring out which room to use as well, esp since I don’t have much experience with pole dancing. I was trying to figure out about the temperatures b/c it can affect your grib as well thanks to your article:

    I know heat rises and it tends to be warmer upstairs than downstairs but will it get too warm in the summer to affect grip? I have a fan I could use. Downstairs is always cool in the winter and summer too so I cant say its too hot to work out, but is that best for the pole grip? I guess is it better to warm it up or cool it down? Does anyone know?

    Just something else to consider. Let us know what you decide.

  • velvetvixen

    September 21, 2009 at 10:32 pm in reply to: Any Safety Tips for Pole Dancing?

    Veena- Thanks for the link. Written by the best! I took a look around and saw the article on how the weather affects your grip/pole. Good idea about stretching afterward vs. before.

    Charley-thanks for the info.
    "You want to be limber before dancing but not so limber that you can tear a muscle which I have done from being overly stretched out. Stretching weakens your muscles so consider the integrity of a rubber band – if it’s too stretched out it will break."

    I never thought about overstretching myself but could easily seeing me do that trying to learn to do the splits. So glad you mentioned that!

  • velvetvixen

    September 16, 2009 at 6:42 pm in reply to: Clips From Jungle Cat’s First Time In a Studio

    Congratulations on the job offer and finding a studio that supports males as well! You will be influencing others while having a blast. Good luck with everything.

  • velvetvixen

    September 14, 2009 at 10:15 pm in reply to: Article:pick good shoes and a Question

    Oh, I like those! Your pictures are better, everywhere I saw those said it had a compartment but didn’t show it. Can you feel the compartment or is it seamless against your foot? They have them in clear and other colors too.

  • velvetvixen

    September 14, 2009 at 6:53 pm in reply to: Article:pick good shoes and a Question

    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!
    I’m not partial to the clear b/c my feet will look like "bare feet with hooves"( that what it looks like to me lol) but if I can’t find anything else then I will probably consider them or a material like it. Maybe I could put something over the clear part (over the toes, not the heel) and make it interchangeable…maybe fabric that stays on with velcro? Of course I dont know how that would hold up on the pole…any ideas? I love the idea of having one shoe that goes with many "outfits."

    Meleania- I will check out the Ellies for sure, hopefully that brand will work.
    pixiedustbelly- thanks for telling me about Sounds great!
    Roxy-Pink- Good suggestion. I called around and I found one store that has some, which will at least help me with size. I’m hoping b/c of Halloween coming up I will have a better chance finding some locally!
    Trena- good suggestion about watching the sizes esp if I can’t try them on. When in doubt call the company!
    cbella13- I saw those shoes and loved the idea of the clear base that has the secret compartment. How truly customizable are they? What have you put in the base so far?

  • velvetvixen

    September 13, 2009 at 1:41 pm in reply to: Happy Birthday to The Pole Goddess Herself!

    Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed your special day! On day isn’t enough, celebrate the whole week. he he

  • velvetvixen

    September 11, 2009 at 7:39 pm in reply to: Hello from Ohio!

    You can always do a bit of everything. I take a class 2x a month and do the rest at home (following dvds/online.) That way I can stay motivated and not spend a fortune either!" onclick=";return false;

    Look on the left " Pole Dance schools" and it has studios listed by state. Of course online classes are listed as well.

    Have fun! I want to convince my husband to let me get a pole early for b-day/Christmas present. he he For now I just use the pole in class and practice/do floor work at home. What made you decide to get an x-pole? What other poles did you look at? I only know of a few and need to do more research…

  • velvetvixen

    September 9, 2009 at 11:12 pm in reply to: Hello from Ohio!

    Hey, I just joined this site as well and live in Cincinnati, OH. You’re so lucky to get an X-Pole! Are you planning on learning at home/ take classes/ or both? Congrads on new marriage.

  • velvetvixen

    September 8, 2009 at 2:51 am in reply to: Booty Tutorials!!!!

    I was looking on you tube the other day for something like this but I didn’t find any true tutorials. I looked for your name but couldn’t find you. I am private as well. Please add me? Thanks.

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