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Prncsopowr -That fact that a nutritionist suggested it makes it a winner to me. I wish stores had experts there telling you which item would be better! I’ll have to try fruit with it too.
pole-twista- 51! Sheesh. Congrats.Update for me: I realized my goals were too complex and hardcore for the most part…so I ended up changing them quite a bit. I need to do smaller steps and really define them…For example: Instead of I will drink more water and hope to get 8 glasses , I changed it to 2 glasses a day and once that’s consistent I will up it by one glass. I am disappointed a little bit though that I couldn’t keep up with my elaborate plan but I need to remember its a journey and it can be done with smaller steps.
http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole! -
EveEden-You may get another pole yet! I’m hoping for you. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif You said another pole, what kind of pole do you have now or hope to get?
I saw on your profile "I want to create my own combination of burlesque and pole." I’d love to see your version. I love those two. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole! -
Wow your pole space is amazing! I’m glad to see you got some pics and vids up! I’ll have to check them out. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif How long have you been poling?—
http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole! -
Interesting things you learned. Thanks for sharing. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif The reminder on your fridge stuck out to me. I think I will post some pics for motivation too!I’ll also have to look into the Carnation Instant Breakfast powder or maybe even protein powder since I do pole. It has to taste good though or else I wont drink it. Anybody know of others that taste good?
http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole! -
EveEden-Thats so awesome!
minicoopergrl -Nothing wrong with pole themed xmas. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif I’m thinking the same thing. This year, I may ask for professional pole pics!If you are looking for pole related items, I will be adding new items for Christmas soon on Poletopia. You can make a wishlist/ gift registry too so you can send it to whomever. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole! -
Dyvo- I have the same problem. Normally as soon as the alarm goes off I’m ready to roll. When it gets cooler I am the complete opposite, I want to stay under covers. I picked a song for my alarm that makes me want to dance, and keep my coat by my bedside. Its work half the time, half the time not. I’m still trying to come up with a consistent solution…
http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole! -
Hi Hallie. Welcome to SV! I’m from Ohio as well. Pole is the only exercise I have stuck with, b/c its fun and doesnt seem like exercise. The lessons on here are great and I like xpole- there are several different kinds so if you have any questions let me know. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
MemberOctober 14, 2010 at 4:37 pm in reply to: Pole photography in international photo competitionHannah- Thanks for sharing such amazing photos. You got my vote! I think its great that you made the pre-selection. I hope the best for you!
http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole! -
This is inspiring! My grandparents are 93 and are still living on their own. My grandma always exercised (mainly walking and dancing) so it doesn’t have to be hard core (unless you enjoy hardcore.) The important thing is to keep active and starting at ANY age will help. Hmm, years from now we will be seeing categories for polers over 70? he he
http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole!
Thanks Azriel! I’m excited. I already got some orders. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif I plan on developing more (besides clothing), it just takes a while to develop items.
Loopy_II- It is a great thing. I have seen news articles on male pole dancing but not so much on tv, though I hardly watch tv. Have you heard of any other tv ones?
Trena – He is! I showed my hair picture to my husband when I got back home and told him my hair was done by Bad Azz, and he’s like I guess it bad azz, though that’s not the first word to come to mind. lol
http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole! -
I got to meet Josiah personally when 3 guy polers came to Ohio! I lucked out! I took a private lesson with him. He has a fun personality and is AMAZING to watch. Its kinda funny, he reminds me of my brother so much! He also did my hair. lol If you get a chance, take a lesson with him. Highly recommend. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
__http://www.Poletopia.com Unique items that embrace the spirit of pole!
amyxshi and verucablue-Thanks so much! I apologize for the delay. I haven’t been getting forum post emails from SV b/c somehow it ended up in junk. It does this ever so often. I finally found a circus school (somewhat near me) that does ariel work so I am going to check it out!
amyxshi and verucablue -Thanks for your help! I will have to keep you both in mind if I have further questions. Do you take classes or have silks in your house?
For now, I’ll just post up the few I have in question.arielsilk.jpeg
polevssilk.jpg1 pic-What is the name of the first one?
2 pic- What is the name of the two with the silks?Thanks so much!
Thats great! he he. I understand yours. What did he put that his daddy does??? Its https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/alien.gif to me. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_tongue.gif