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  • velvetvixen

    April 28, 2010 at 8:00 pm in reply to: Being chicken, 2 goals, and motivation helpers

    poleophile- Your probably right, I should just get a mat instead of waiting.

    Veena- It is a matter of mind, b/c I can invert with a spotter. Spotter lets go and I freak slightly. lol I tried using visualization last night and it did help. I got a move finally!(not invert yet though) It didn’t work magically of course, but I’ll be adding it to my "toolkit." Maybe I’ll start dreaming about it more too! Visualization on autopilot. I can do it, I just got to keep at it !!!

    chemgoddess1- Thanks for invert advice. I can hold myself up as you suggested, so I’ll just start tilting by myself as well. Thanks for the vote of confidence! I will get it !!!

  • velvetvixen

    April 27, 2010 at 8:53 pm in reply to: Reminder to drink water

    poleophile- That’s a great idea! I think your right about the straw. In restaurants I seem to drink more, now that I think about it. Now to remember to get the drink…I’ll probably have to go back to the alarm idea on my cell. lol

  • velvetvixen

    April 27, 2010 at 8:01 pm in reply to: Reminder to drink water

    I am a camel… I am never thirsty. I hardly drink anything and half time I steal sips from husbands drink. If its not in front of me, it never occurs to me I should drink something. I average maybe a tall glass of water a day. I tried drinking 4oz bottles and set alarm to drink a bottle to get a total amount, but I only stuck with that for a few weeks. I only drink juice, water, and ice tea.

    Anybody know a good way to get yourself to drink things? I cant "chug" for the life of me, I sip. Writing this makes me feel silly, but its true. I KNOW I need to drink more. Suggestions?

  • velvetvixen

    April 21, 2010 at 4:06 pm in reply to: Burlesque?

    Hey cricket. I sent you a PM about the Dayton show. Maybe we could meet up.

  • velvetvixen

    April 19, 2010 at 9:14 pm in reply to: Pole Goals and Plans

    The above post was the update on my original goals. Below is my new goals.

    I’ve been struggling with motivation lately. I’m going to keep it simple this time and not come up with an elaborate list! I’ll use rewards this time!

    Goal 1: Get the invert on my own.
    How: Have my husband help me once a week. Practice from floor when by myself.
    Timeline: Before next pole jam.
    Reward: If I can achieve invert by self and get another inverted move, I will purchase a pole mat. Bonus: maybe a pic of me inverting at the next jam.

    Goal 2: Quit being chicken. I’m a very cautious person and don’t like the idea of injury. For example, I’m one to read manuals before using things, and I wear earplugs/safety glasses when I mow. (My friend actually injured her eye…right after she got lasik!) It also doesn’t help I am sensitive to pain in general-get migraines etc all the time.
    How: Bought cream for bruises, use it. Get mat, must get Goal 1.
    Suggestions please? I need help with this one.
    Timeline: It will probably be ongoing.
    Reward: New moves, quicker maybe?

    Motivation Helpers:
    Put up pole pics from our jam in pole room (inspiration and seeing fellow polers.)
    Organize pole closet (clothes inspire me sometimes)
    Find new music
    Get a fan
    Anything else that can help motivate?

  • velvetvixen

    April 19, 2010 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Pole Goals and Plans Finish Cataloging moves (Haven’t done all the way, I’ll add more advanced moves when I get closer to them.) Take pictures for profile and of split progress (I have pics on facebook. Never did work on splits yet.) Talk to my studio about moving on past unimportant move I can’t get (I decided to be self-taught.) Make a daily FLEXIBILITY stretching routine (Help?) Continue to encourage others. to do so Do a full dance with all the works for my husband for his bday ( I did a improv dance and was happy with the whole thing. So much fun!) One day be able to do the splits! (One day is key word.) Successfully do pole sit/climb at home (can do in studio.) For some reason I just slide whether pole is warmed up or cold. (I can sit but need to work on climbs.)

  • velvetvixen

    April 15, 2010 at 4:52 pm in reply to: Dayton, Ohio pole jam?

    Count me in! Pole jams are always worth the drive, its so much fun!

  • velvetvixen

    April 14, 2010 at 6:33 pm in reply to: Hello, Mommy from Ohio

    Hi! I’m from Ohio as well. I’m glad you found the site. Pole is so much fun!!! I love your hair btw.

  • velvetvixen

    April 7, 2010 at 8:54 pm in reply to: The pole and christianity

    Pole dancers are a minority in general and Christian Pole dancers seem to be even more so. Other dances, tango, etc were inappropriate at one point but were eventually accepted.

    Some of friends know I pole, others do not. Its not an issue of Christian vs. Non Christian. Its more an issue of open understanding people vs. those who don’t care to know more/ judge w/o knowing whole story. I choose to share with understanding people only.

    As for sin in general, God sees sin as sin and will forgive any sin. Humans are the ones who say one sin is worse than the other. Judging others is just as bad of a sin as murder for example. That being said, we sin every day. Some sins do have more consequences in our world and it is best to avoid those. The Bible does mention sins to avoid but that is to protect us from consequences b/c God doesn’t want us to go down that road. God also doesn’t expect us to be perfect and will always forgive.

    I’m a Christian pole dancer and also pole dance in dance clubs. I do regular dancing too but prefer pole. My husband was ok with public dancing b/c he knows my intention is to have fun with other polers. He will only watch me (in our home) and doesn’t want to see anyone else, even videos (b/c he knows his own boundaries.) Now if my thoughts start going towards other men or performing for them, then its up to ME to catch this and not head down that road. (I would find this wrong for ME to do.) I don’t think this is going to happen b/c when guys hit on me/talk to me, I mentioned husband w/o delay! Most of time women come up to me to ask about pole, not men.

    Pole can be done so many ways and in different settings. Since it will never be "clear" if pole is an obvious sin (considering all the diff types/ variables) as murder (most would say this is a sin) I think you will have to trust your own boundaries/ sense of right and wrong. If you don’t feel comfortable after doing something , you can always go back track.I hope this helps!

  • velvetvixen

    March 31, 2010 at 7:31 pm in reply to: Just another website fit for some big drooling

    Wow, I think you just found my "new store" that carries items that are more my style. I have a thing for corsets, vintage, and gorgeous things! Thanks for sharing. <~~~~my eyes trying to take it all in!

  • velvetvixen

    March 31, 2010 at 12:03 am in reply to: In and Out of love

    Hmm…you sound like me. I suspect you may be a scanner. There is a book about different types of scanners and different methods to enjoy it vs fight it. Most helpful book I’ve ever read.

    Scanners love to read and write, to fix and invent things, to design projects and businesses, to cook and dance, etc etc. (I didn’t use the word "or, " because Scanners don’t love to do one thing or the other; they love them all.) "I Did That Already." – time to learn something new! Some interests I cycle back into and others I never do again after I’ve met a certain goal. The world is like a big candy store full of fascinating opportunities, and all I want to do is "taste" it all.

    To read more:

    Pole is the only hobby I have stuck with for a while. I noticed my "obsession" has lessened a bit for me and wonder what that means for me. I’ll probably cycle in and out of it. I used to be upset with myself when I "couldn’t stick with things" but now I am proud to be a scanner and enjoy it!

    I could be wrong , but do you think you could be a scanner?

  • velvetvixen

    March 30, 2010 at 4:28 pm in reply to: Are ya kidding me? Moo? That’s the best you can dredge up?

    Wow. Those "little boys" thought that they were so clever and funny… sounds like something from 4th grade. I’m glad the woman made him stop and put him in his place! Good for you for poling regardless and going to the top of the pole. lol

  • velvetvixen

    March 24, 2010 at 7:43 pm in reply to: I am a complete gomer, lol–my pole song
  • velvetvixen

    March 24, 2010 at 7:14 pm in reply to: Pole Rituals, Habits or Fidgets

    Mine is pretty simplistic but if things aren’t in place I don’t have as good as session.

    I close all the doors in my house so my dog doesn’t wander around. I fill up my water bottle, water my pole plant (bamboo) and me, and put my rings in a pretty box.

    I then set up my laptop/webcam and find music I like. I do a warmup and test the pole. I now set a timer b/c I get carried away if not! As soon as timer goes off, I’m only allowed one more song.

    I have to the right song to do anything or else I don’t feel it, sometimes I’ll change it mid-song. I also change my outfits often on some days. I almost ALWAYS forget to wipe my pole down when I’m done, and 5-10 minutes later I remember and go back.

  • velvetvixen

    March 24, 2010 at 6:48 pm in reply to: Christianity & Pole Dancing & Boundaries

    That’s a funny story. I’ve told certain people and recently expand my "pole supporter"group. I just say I love to dance and most don’t ask for more. If they ask more, I say I do all kinds and mention my favorites, swing, bellydance and see their reaction to bellydance. Only then if I feel lead to, do I say more. I’ve only had one friend who didn’t take it well and didn’t care to hear my explanation. We are no longer friends for other reasons besides that. After that I changed my method of "testing" first! People closest to me know the most.

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