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Packing tape! That’s awesome! I ripped the soles of my pleasers, they were the cheaper ones, and it worked, but I’ve been wanting to buy some thigh high boots and didn"t want to have to alter them. Thank you!!! I must have missed the packing tape post https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_surprised.gif) Yay I can’t wait to get my boots now!!!
MemberSeptember 11, 2009 at 4:45 am in reply to: It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to……Hey 29 is not soooo bad I’ve been 29 for like 3 yrs now you get used to it! Haaaaaaappy Belated B-day!
Your vids were some of the first I saw on youtube. They insired me to get serious about poling and now it’s practicaly the first thing I think of when I get up in the morning, serious addict here LOL!!! I love your style, just awesome!
I’ve been trying to work this out too, (got alittle off track w/ the kids home for summer vacation) I’m thinking this routine:
Mon. Bis,tris, abs at the gym then straight home for some poling.
Tues. Legs, glutes and alittle tredmill at gym.
Wens. Poling, abs and some deep streching.
Thurs. Back, shoulders, chest and tredmill at gym.
Fri. Hiking (weather permiting) or legs and glutes at gym.
Sat. Poling, abs and deep streching.
Sun. restWhat do you girls with Personal Training back grounds think?
Just checked them out online, CUTE!!! They are just what I’m looking for and there is a store not far from me, Thank you!!!
Hi ladies https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_surprised.gif)
I’m signing up for classes at a studio with atleast one male instructor and one male student that I know of. I usually dance in my skivves and a sports bra or tank at home and I’m wondering where to get some shorts that are good for poling and just a little bit more modest, but not to long or loose in the leg area. I’ve got a couple weeks before I start I’m sooooooo excited!!! -
Everything your doing sounds great. I’ve manadged to pick up some workout equitment on the cheap that really helps me. Look for dumbbells at places like yardsales and craigslist, vidoes are great to. I just picked up the P90X video series on craigslist for $65 they had never been used!!! Your library should have a selection of workout vids you can checkout. If you’ve plateaued you may not be taking in enough calories, it sounds like your working really hard and that is demanding on your body, Maybe start a food jornal to keep track. Try five to six small healthy meals a day, and make sure your getting some protein, complex carbs and some good fats with each meal. Drink lots of water and take some kind of multi vitamin everyday to help curb cravings. Also weight training is a great way to shape your body so that when those last pounds come off you have developed some awesome lines and curves. You can get lots of weight training exercises at oxygenmag.com for free. Just keep working at it, good habits can be hard to develop but once they become a part of your life you just won’t feel right till you’ve got your wokout in, then it becomes a no brainer. 10 pounds in a month is fantastic, you should be so proud!!!
Just added myself to the map https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif I can"t believe there is no one else in AZ on here! Thanks for starting this poledork https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumleft.gif
I agree with Glitter, if you are doing it for you then great. There is nothing wrong with a little reconstructive surgery. I’ve had my breasts done also and have considered maybe going back for the tummy. I take really good care of myself, eat well (I even grow my own vegies) wieght lift, hike, run you name it, however I’m 32 (cough, cough) and I’ve had 3 kids. I think I look really good considering, but I have stretch marks on my hips, loose skin and stretch marks on my tummy and no amount of running is keeping my butt from trying to make friends with the back of my thighs! Find yourself a really good doctor that has done lots of these surgeries! This is not like getting your breasts done, it is major surgery! I recently went with a freind to her consult and the Doctor said that most women say it is worse then haveing a baby by cesaerian, also they usually put stitches in your ab muscle to create the look of tone, which can limit the amount of ab exercise you can do after. This was one of my concerns since I do workout quite a bit. I would make a list of all the questions and concerns, and find a Doctor who you are comfortable with and is known in your area for doing good work.
That would be great except I have not been able to figure out why my computer won’t open up chat https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cry.gif I’m gonna have my Hubby/Computer guy look at it tonight for me. Thank you so much for offering, maybe I’ll get it fixed soon, I’ve really been wanting to get in on fri. chat. I have been streching though, when I pull my left arm acrooss my body and hold it with my right and then lean to my right side it seems to strech the area i’ve been haveing pain in. I think I really was just over working it. I lift weights a few times a week and also do archery about once a week (I hold my bow with my left arm, and I pull about 45lbs. with my right, it’s all back muscle). So that on top of daily poling was just to much! I’ve been working on balanceing my physical activity and makeing sure i’m getting enough rest for my different muscle groups, and that has been makeing a big difference for me.
I have been haveing the same problem but on my left side. I am staying off it and haveing my guy massage me also, but I think what I"ve been doing is trying to pull myself higher on the pole when I am going up in to chopper position instead of letting the momentum of my legs and lower body bring me up and into position, does that make sense? It is soooo irratating to have an injury! I am also taking Veena’s advice and poling on the same day’s I am working my arms at the gym (I am not doing any back lifting right now) then giveing it a rest for a day. It seems to slowly be getting better, but I feel your pain girlie! Hope this helps and you heal soon https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_surprised.gif)
I just opened my new x-pole and see that it does’nt screw into the ceiling like my old pole. has anyone had a problem with it slipping? My husband is not going to like this, he insisted I get a new pole after my old one started lossening up. I’d have to screw it tight every time I practiced and it even popped off a couple of times,(my sexy little pole, like the ones you get at spencers, total crap!!) is there any way to mount this more permanetly, i see you can put up a plate, but I’m not sure even this will convince him he’s not going to come home to me crumpled on the floor with a broken neck, ya he’s that pariniod.