30 Days To Flexy Intro (FREE)

Welcome to my 30 day flexibility program! Please be sure to watch each tutorial posted below the main video player and read all descriptions. Always follow tutorials in the order they are listed to provide you with the best out come for your time.
Related lessons are either a group of helpful tutorials for improving on the trick shown on the main video. Or they’re part of a program like this one, where you’ll click through each one, or you can let them auto play to the next video, to complete the session for each day.
Things you’ll need:
- A foam roller
- A tennis ball, massage ball or peanut
- Yoga blocks (if you need to modify) The link I shared come with a yoga strap!
- Yoga strap (if you need to modify)
Click here to start with day one.
I am so happy that you created this program! My biggest issue with pole dancing is my extreme lack of flexibility, so I couldn’t be more excited to see this! Thank you!!
I SOOOOO excited about this!
I’m so excited Veena!!! Thank you! I’m on Day 11 of your take off program, I don’t do it every day, but I’ll definitely be doing this, my body NEEDS it 🙂
I can not wait to get started , I went to a pole class over the weekend and the whole beginning was stretching and splits and all I could do was sit there 🙂
Yeah!! I am in!!!
Im so glad you started this program and i cant wait to get started on this one too!!! I did day four today for pole. Im glad it was an easy day because i was not feeling good at all today. Im excited to see how much i can learn from you!!
This is great! You already have great stretching videos, but adding structure to it will a big help for those like me who need it.
Hi Veena, I’m not entirely sure how to say this without coming across in the wrong way but I was a little disappointed when I watched the video day one. I have gone through your lessons before but I was hoping in these vids you would be you doing it with us. Obviously, the original lesson has the explanation of each and broken down but I thought this would be like you are my high level companion who is doing this with me and keeping me motivated. I guess what I thought it would be is something different. Again, I am not saying this to be rude and don’t get me wrong, I love the site and lessons but I was a little disappointed. And I apologize if some of the vids coming do have you working out with us and I am just being impatient. I struggle with flexibility and I was really looking forward to this.
I agree with Wcox, I was expecting you to be doing the stretching with us as well. I like the stretching lessons you already have and it really helps me to see you doing the stretches. I think it would be more beneficial if you were stretching and going step by step with us.
I spent month planning this program, every releated lesson placement and day is there for a reason. It was extremely thought out to improve flexiblity, lines and provide needed tips to help prevent injury and common mistakes. I would suggest trying the program before deciding it’s a disappointment.
Veena, I am thrilled!! I appreciate your knowledge and how safety is your primary concern. I am in a biomechanics based training program and you are always spot on!! I have been to studios where they just push push not realizing they are blowing past their capacity and doing real irreversible damage to their ligaments!! Hyper mobility is a serious problem!! I adore you and your knowledge!!!
Veena, your time is appreciated and I’m excited to give this a try since my flexibility is next to nothing, lol.
Dolce and W Cox, thank-you so much for your critique. Our goal at StudioVeena has always been to educate and empower. We do not want to ever put ourselves in the position that we are like a DVD that you use several times grow bored with and move on instead we want to serve as a resource that allows you to maintain a lifelong dedication to fitness whether it be through pole or something else.
There certainly are other programs out there where the workout is performed along with you but they do not have the depth of content, nor the ability to explore and experiment that are provided by Veena’s lessons.
Veena’s goal was to add to your experience and provide a framework for your success without adversely affecting her other responsibilities on the site. The Veena experience is more complete than a simple work along DVD. No DVD gives you the ability to communicate as often as you need with the author, no DVD will let you skip around so easily, no DVD has the sheer amount of content that Veena provides.
One minute of demonstration video can generally be represented as four hours of work. In our case that goes even further since we have created a platform that allows you to communicate with Veena regarding each video, something you don’t have in any other format or in any other site. It is essential that Veena use her time wisely and in a balanced manner so she can keep providing valuable live responses to your questions and comments as well as valuable new content and information.
Maybe a better way to put it was that I was disappointed initially because it was not what I expected. I plan on fully participating and trying it out, I know that Venna is fabulous with her instruction. Having a background in psychology I know that people learn using different methods. Maybe this method will work for me. I have never tried this way. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to even post my comment but I made myself a promise that I would be more active with the Online pole community this year. I hope that if others were feeling the way that I felt that they will still give it a try and see if its the right method for them. I’m not trying to take anything away from a great program here, just trying to have some open and honest communication about how I felt based on the first day. And I appreciate the responses Veena and webmaster, as I mentioned I am and will follow through.
Can I do this with the 30 day take off on the same days?
Yep! Just keep an eye out for rest days and work around them 😊
Cannot wait to get started
Love love love that you’ve created this program! I’ve not been around for a while & only just spotted this. Can’t wait to begin 🙂
I hope you find it helpful!! 💜
Thank you Veena for creating this program. I am so unflexible apart from in my back. I agree with Bevinl, its my biggest issue with poling. My hip flexors are sooo tight its ridiculous. Cant wait to begin =)
I’m finally getting around to taking a look at this. Yay!
Just looked at each day and their related lessons. @veena, I saw a related lesson for ballerina stretches. Can you suggest other stretches and/or poses to practice for standing split variations? Thanks 🙂
Are you refering to the Advanced Ballerina stretch? There are variations for this stretch in the lesson. 🙂
Looking forward to getting started. I need to increase my flexibility to improve my poling!
What is the length of a foam roller you are using in the videos?
The one I’m using is similar to this http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000MVHOQA/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?qid=1433737755&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SY200_QL40&keywords=purple+foam+roller&dpPl=1&dpID=41rNN37jh0L&ref=plSrch
Here goes! 🙂
Hi guys my name is Donald and I’m 47 years old. Quite excited to be here cause I’ve been looking for so long for an instruction course online that i can relate to and that would make sense to me. My interest in Pole fitness started a few months ago when we went to a night club in Palm Springs and there was a male pole dancer performing. I was absolutely fascinated by his moves and his amazing sculptured body.
Well i don’t particularly like the gym it really bores me out of my skull and i don’t think one gets a really full body work out in on season pumping iron. I never did. My goal is to improve my flexibility, strength, tone and just be extremely comfortable and able doing MY THING !!!!!
Mcnabd, you may also be interested in the Veena Method teacher training course! https://www.studioveena.com/methods/letter
I am so excited to start this. I always liked the stretching part at the end of every day of the 30 days take off programme.
Oh, and I gotta say that that ‘it may REDUCE your flexibility’ is forever imprinted on my mind. I will alway think about it as a way to respect what you said: ‘always listen to your body’.
Started this last night. I attend class often but really need to work on flexibility in a structured way especially with holidays coming up that will involve traveling and days off from class. Already discovered on day one that I have been neglecting foot flexibility which is probably why I was having foot cramps last week in class. Thanks Veena!
Hi and good morning from Växjö, Sweden. Im starting today. I’ve been poledancing for 8 months, but now it’s time to work on getting bendyðŸ˜
Starting this today 💖 I hope I see some progress with my splits and back. I really need this!
Greetings all starting this program today with the beginners and conditioning program. Wish me luck!!!
I’ve been a member of Studio Veena for years, but I never did this program. I’m glad it was recommended to me!
This program is fabulous and really is making a huge difference!!!!
That’s great to hear!
I am not flexible at all but am excited to work on this. Thank you!
Hi Veena, I have just started following your intermediate program, it’s amazing, I think I am planning to subscribe for the whole year so that I can keep training with you. Just one question, I would like to start this program as well, shall I do flexibility training the same days as pole? And do you recommend doing it before or after the pole session? Thank you very much for all your guidance.
Same days. Do it after your pole session. Also I’ve got a ton of new and revised stretches I’ll be uploading soon! Later in the year I hope to add more stretching routines.
Thank you so much, then I am definitely staying. One more quick question, do you recommend after the pole session doing the strength exercises from the flexy program, or could I just skip to the flexibility exercises?
Yes, still do the strength work after because they’re chosen to target specific area we will stretch.
You could do fewer reps tho!
So excited to finally start this program. My goal is to eventually have my middle split 🤩
Nice! I’ve got 5 new flexibility routines coming soon. 2 of them are for splits!
Can’t wait to try them 🧘ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸