Gemini Climb

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This advanced climb is not only an interesting way to climb the pole, it’s also an excellent strength builder.



Side hold tuck

Hip flexor lifts

Later pull downs

Also know as: Circus climb



  1. Where is post/thread about just getting up to a knee-pit hold? I am currently trying this and I can use my knee pit grip a little for one climb, but I can’t get it to stick there. Where do I work on that? It seems like you have to have a knee pit grip that isn’t humanely possible!

  2. If it helps at all, Porshka, I only started doing these climbs about a year into pole dancing. I even “cheated” at little at first to have a mid-way point. I gemini’d up, pushed up into a shooting star (also heard it called a star fish), and then pulled up–clack clack–one hand/other hand. After doing that for a while, I didn’t need the mid-way point–especially since someone told me I was cheating, when I thought of it as a good transition. Pushing the inside hip into the pole, and really crunching in those abs…that’s what got me up there. Such a really great strength builder for BOTH sides!!