Hand and Wrist Strength ROUTINE

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Once you’ve become familiar with all of the previous hand, wrist and forearm exercises, you can combine them into one routine like this one! For this routine you’ll need a light resistance band and something to sit on. A box, fit ball, or chair is fine. This routine can be done as a warm up!

Do this 3 times per week to see results. However, more is not better, so there’s no need to do this everyday.

If you would like to see all of the information for each related tutorial such as descriptions and a list of muscle groups used (M.G.U.). These are provided within each individual tutorial which I have listed below. You only need to click on them if you want to go directly to a specific tutorial. Otherwise the related lessons below the video will have full demonstrations for each exercise.

Forearm flex

Forearm extensions

Radial lift

Upward wrist twists

Ulnar pulls

Downward wrist twists

Hand strength exercises
