Beginner Level 2 Welcome

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Beginner tutorials
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Off pole conditioning
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Beginner tutorials
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Advanced tutorials
Off pole conditioning
Flexibility tutorials
Hula hoop, chair, and hammock tutorials
30 Day programs
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Hi, welcome to your level 2 program! This program is perfect if you’ve finished Level 1 and you’re ready to continue building strength while learning intermediate beginner moves. We’ll also begin to blend moves together. There will not be full rest days, but rather active rest days, if you feel you need to take a full rest day, that’s just fine. Be sure you don’t skip the active rest days if you choose to take them off. Come back to the active rest the next day. I have structured this so you will not over work any muscle groups by training daily. Suggested sets and reps can be found in the descriptions.


  1. I’m back!! I took some time off to walk, swim, twerk, do handstand/inversion yoga, and go on vacation. Plus my pole came down and I needed a friend to help me get it back up. Finally got someone to come after a month! Maybe I should start from level 1 but I’m just going to try Level 2 Day 1 and see how it goes.