Beginner NO POLE workout

STRENGTH BUILDING – Length 9:00 – Items needed: Bodyweight
This strength building routine is perfect for new dancers and great for those who have been sick or have taken an extended period of time away from exercise.
Tips to help you get the most out of this workout:
- Always watch the related videos listed before doing any workouts or routines. This will insure you’re familiar with each of the exercises used in the routine.
- Track your sets and reps. Don’t worry if you can’t do all of the reps I suggest. Instead make sure to write down how many you did do so you can try and do one or two more next time.
- This workout is suitable for those who are new to pole, are recovering from sickness or injury.
- Make sure you’ve been cleared by your health professional before starting any exercise programs.
- Always leave a day of rest between workouts when your starting or just getting back into exercise.
- To build strength, use this routine 2-3 times a week for 4-8 weeks.
Click the pink text if you’d like to go directly to any related video used in this routine. The links will provide you with more information about each tutorial, including, it’s description and related videos.
Love this..
This is cool! Maybe a bit too little intensiv for my own level but I will use a part for a warmup 🙂
I like and can do
Great, thanks again