FREE Pole Crucifix Tutorial

The Crucifix is a fundamental trick and you might find learning the Crucifix first is easier, or you might prefer to work on the Basic pole climb first. Either way is ok! Don’t rush to take the hands off the pole this will come with lots of practice! If you have a larger body or chest you’ll want to skip taking the hands off in Crucifix and instead work on the Fancy crucifix. Remember to switch sides, swapping hand and leg placement.
I’ll teach you how to do the Basic climb on static and spinning pole.
You might also enjoy my Veena’s tips for crucifix to help you better understand the mechanics of using the legs to climb.
If you have questions or would like to see all of the information for each related tutorial such as, descriptions other exercises, stretches and suggested sets and reps. These are provided within each individual tutorial. Here is a list of links to take you directly to each related tutorial listed here.