Day 1 Spin pole

Today you’ll start by watching my Veena’s tips for spinning pole. Then move on to the tutorials listed below the main video. Don’t worry if you can’t do these right away, if you just want to watch today that’s perfectly ok.
I’ve listed the timestamp for the spinning pole version of each tutorial.
Pole hold 4:25
Side Pole hold 4:38
Pole Side Sit 3:37
Knees Spin 1:35
Back Hook spin 3:48 Don’t worry if you can’t do these right away if you just want to watch today that’s ok too.
I am so excited for this program! I have a hard time controlling my spin and once spinning I feel like I lose all coordination. I don’t know inside arm/leg from outside arm/leg and I get confused. I’m hoping this program helps. Thanks Veena! And thanks for sharing your story because you make spin look easy. I would’ve never guessed it didn’t come natural to you.
Yayyyyyy!! Oh how excited I am. And soo great to hear that it is possible to learn even if it feels completely unmanageable right now. I get soo dizzy and find controlling the spin impossible. But now there’s hope ðŸ‘. Thanks Veena!!!
For real guys, I would be sick for hours until I figured out some of these tips I’ll give you. I hope they work for you too!!!
Yayy! I love spin pole! I’m excited for this Program!
Love this!! I like spin already but I am sure I will love it after this :D! FYI I noticed the side pole hold (spin) starts at 3:38 🙂
loved this ! onward and forward – bless !
I’ve been poling for a long time, but the studio where I learned didn’t focus on spin pole much. So these lessons really help! 💜 It’s VERY HELPFUL to do what Veena says and watch the static tutorial first. No matter how much you want to fast-forward because you think you know it all – DON’T. The tips on static really help with spin!
I just started spin pole today in the studio . It’s tricky but I didn’t fall off ( yet !) Did a climb in spin
Made me dizzy but expect this improves with time
Here to learn how to control my speed and all the other cool stuff
Yay, how fun.
I definitely find the pole holds quite hard but I can hold my body weight up while stationary now so thats something. I just cant do it while spinning, even the beginner/modified version, my toes drag on the ground for some reason!
You might be starting the hold too low! Gripping too low will make it harder and of course your body will be lower too. This video explains