Day 10 Heels

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Today we walk without the help of the pole, wall or chair. Start by warming up and strengthening the feet, using the listed routine. Move on to Toe points doing 2 sets of 10 per foot. Then work on the drills for walking without a pole, begin at minute 5.

Finish with the Foot and toe stretch.


    1. Hmm yeah, tile is a no no when working with heels. I would see if you can find a remnant, at either a flooring store or someplace like home depot. Look for a single piece vinyl I would google Vinyl flooring roll clearance or something like that. You. might find something online too. Then you’d have a floor you can roll out when you like or keep it down until you move. Plywood would be another option but that stuff is expensive now and you’d still need to cover it so you don’t get slivers.