Day 10 Level 1

Today we’ll try the Teddy prep! After warming up with the Lower body conditioning routine, give the Teddy prep 3 tries on each side, using the grip you feel most comfortable with.
Then do the Pole sit and Side sit 6 times each side.
Hold the Overhead stretch for 30 seconds. Then move on to the Flowmotion sitting v. work through this for at least a minute.
You were not lying. Teddy Prep…OUCH! But, I was able to get both feet off the floor with my 1st attempts on Bothe sides. Yay me!!
That’s great!
Oh my lord… my poor armpits haha! But I did it!
Put se ice on it ðŸ˜
I was able to do one pole side sit on my right! Then I must have kept overthinking it because I couldnt do it again today. But I was so happy for the few seconds I was up there!!
That’s totally normal. 💜
day 10 ✅
on the teddy, when i try to hang the hand on the leg / tigh , with the other leg still on the floor, it hurts my muscle. I think id because something is wrong on my position, but not sure what can be. Follow some pics
pic one nothing hurts and is quite comfortable
pic two it hurts on the muscle due the position
pic three it hurts and lose any grip because get a space on the armpit
That’s all normal as you have to hold your body weight with the arm pit. Is your pole wrapped with grip wrap?
I’m asking because you HAVE to have skin contact to do this grip with the armpit
My pole is not wrapped. I was first feeling the position. And when I feel I have a comfortable position I use the skin. But I got you. Maybe I will not need to holding me so hard because the skin will do it and with the clothes maybe I was holding too hard and so it felt uncomfortable. I will try again today and will let you know. Thank you 🥰
It’s a very uncomfortable grip, so that’s why I have people work on it in stages. You might find that using the grip with the outside are extended feels better. Totally try it without a shirt to get a better feel. 🙂
it was much better today. The skin contact and the grip made it not hurting on the position. Thank you 🥰
I did it! Day 10. OMG. I feel like one of those little gymnasts grunting and trying new moves. I’m definitely better at the pole sits and even the side sits. Did grunt and fall a bit and lack stamina though. Because when I’m done, I’m huffing and puffing with my hands on my knees.
Congratulations 🎊 ðŸ‘
Well that Teddy prep was tough but for the briefest of moments both legs left the floor , it wasn’t pretty , it was more inebriated grizzly than sexy teddy but …. hey … it was a personal movement of painful triumph
Hahaha! Yeah, it hurts!
I discovered a sue fire way to make pole sits less painful …. do a teddy first or an inebriated grizzly ( whichever you can manage !1 )
Ha! It’s all about perspective 😌
Did my teddy prep . It’s one uncomfortable grip lol
Omg yeah, it hurts 😫 lol
The flowmotion feels great on the hamstrings, especially after all the gripping with the back of the knees!
I bet! 💜
Teddy. . . MEOWCH!! But I was able to lift both feet this time. The first time I went through this section my body I hadn’t figured out that I really need to get my hand pretty close to my crotch on my inner thigh. That really locks it for me.
Wow, terrible typing. Hopefully it made sense, lol.
That’s good you found the sweet spot for the teddy! I understood ☺️
Wow day 10 done 👍
Loved the lower body conditioning but couldn’t cross my legs like yours at the end so I stayed in butterfly sit lol an I managed the teddy prep didn’t let go but I tryed an videoed it hahaha I’ll send it through connections xx 💕💕loving it an learning sooo much
You’re rocking this level!
Hi @Veena, I have a problem with my pelvic tilt, when I have my legs completely straight my pelvis is like locked and I can barely stretch my upper body forward without bending my back, however with my knees bent I can almost get close to the ground with my chest without bending my back. I’m a little frustrated, I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or if it’s because my harmstrings are stiff or what 😭 Any advice or program that I can follow to improve the flexibility in my legs and be able to tilt my pelvis? Thank you very much
Hello! It sounds like you might have tightness in the hamstring, but it could also be the pelvis or both! I do want to point out that when stretching the hamstrings it’s perfectly fine to keep the knees bent. This actually targets the hamstrings better than someone who tries to keep the legs straight and bends from the low back.
Here are some things you can work on for both hamstrings and hips/pelvis:
Hips and Pelvis routine
Yoga block lower body routine
Lower body conditioning
Tick tock legs routine
Active front splits routine
Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions. Remember it’s ok to keep the knees bent in hamstring stretches!
Here are individual things you can add into your sessions: Do the related videos listed in all of these.
Sitting pike
Standing pike
Figure 4 stretch
Lunge stretch
Lying hip flexor stretch