Day 10 Shoulder Mount

Todays focus will be the upper body. Start your day with the Shoulders and abs routine, followed with the Shoulder mount strength routine and finish with Reverse shoulder mount practice doing no more than 10 times per side. No need to do the full technique video just focus on the Reverse shoulder mount. If you’re not yet ready for the reverse shoulder mount do the shoulder hold.
Day 10 is done. I liked the shoulders and abs routine! I can comfortably do a shoulder dismount into brass monkey. I can also lift myself from the floor with a bit momentum and hook the foot onto the pole. This is my progress so far. 🙂
That’s exciting!
Today was a hard day, SO many walking planks. Definitely going to feel this tomorrow. Getting that core ready for bikini weather
Day 10! 1/3 of the way there 🙂 I can already notice a difference in my strength and ability… getting closer and closer!