Day 11 Level 1

Today is an active rest day but if you need to take a full day of rest go for it. Just be sure to come back to this lesson the next day you train.
After the Easy beginner warm up work on the 4 transition moves. Sexy plie, Standing v, Body waves, and Reverse body waves. Give them all at least 8 tries each side. However, if you’d like to work on flow a bit try doing each move to music for at least 30 seconds. Use a timer if you don’t want to worry about watching the clock.
Great lessons, ty! I’m having trouble sliding back up the pole with the Sexy Plie. It’s like the pole gets stuck on my back or something. Any pointers? <3
Make sure you’re using the hands more than anything 😉
Okay thank you!
day 11 ✅
I find the same thing , I could down all smooth and sexy and come up all rickety. I find that I am blending the elbow. of the lower arm to ascend – it doesn’t look sexy – is this a core strength issue ?
What move are you referring too? Imgalvin
Sorry – the sexy plié
I am sexy going down , I ain’t sexy coming up ‘
OHHH, I see. It depends on why you’re getting stuck. Is it skin sticking? Try it with a towel on the shoulder or wear a shirt. OR.. is it feeling too close to the pole to have leverage to push back up? If so play around with how far away you are from the pole. You need to lean on it but not so much that it’s holding you up.
ok – will do thanks
Sexy plie is fun and cute but I may need to come back to it throughout the day. I don’t know if I could remember this by myself.
Loved learning these moves today! It went rather seamlessly, which I’m grateful for!
Love the standing V! And thank you for telling right from wrong, love those too, it’s very useful to see the difference (I mostly recognise myself in the “wrong” video 😄).
Lol, at least it’s helpful and allows you to fix it ðŸ˜
Feeling less awkward each time body rolls come into sessions… happy you thought to include something so basic and confidence building. You look very relaxed and natural doing them!
Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying them and seeing improvement ????
all done! bit out of practice! got a metal pole though! so now i have silicon and metal options
Yay and congrats on the second pole! It’s nice to have options.
Yesss ty !
All done !
???? I’ve gone slow doing this program but I m always doing extra stuff and playing on top of it and really trying to master basics! Almost at beginner level 2! Dance!
Nothing wrong with that! ????????
Thanks!!! ???????? been really enk9y8ng it can’t wait for level 2 !
Apparently I can’t type … i have been really enjoying it!
The reverse body wave was a little uncomfortable but I got it. The sexy pile was a lot of work figuring it out but I finally got it with the pirouette and moving around the pole. Check it out and let me know your thoughts
Ooops wrong link here’s the right one.
Hey that’s looking nice! Once it’s feeling smooth you can try adding a hair flip/head roll!
Day 11 done omg the reverse body waves 😂😂🤣🤣 and love the standing V my right side is better than my left 🥰
Thank you 🙏
I’ve sent you a video 😂😂🤣🤣 through connections xx♥️