Day 15 Invert

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Today is the first day you’ll attempt the invert from standing!! Please keep in mind that not everyone will be ready for this step at this time. You’re not falling behind or failing if you can’t invert from standing yet. Listen to your body and be sure to continue working on the invert from the floor if that works better for you, this is your journey! This day is intentionally difficult, and all part of the process of building strength. All sets and reps are suggestions, so be sure to continue to write down how many you do every session so you can add on one or more reps or attempts next time.

Warm up with the Pole strength routine then perform 2 sets of each tutorial listed.

Internal shoulder rotation 2 sets, 12 reps, per side

External shoulder rotation 2 sets, 12 reps, per side

X ankle climb 8 x ankle climbs on each side

Side climb 8 side climbs on each side

Floor invert (if you don’t feel ready to invert from standing)

Invert 3-8 invert attempts

Tuck spin 4 tuck spins on each side

Pole hold spin 4 hold spins on each side

You’ve done a lot of training using your forearms so don’t skip these stretches.

Forearm flexor stretch

Forearm extensor stretch


  1. I think my basic invert is getting better! I still have to scooch my knees up, but I’m now holding it for a couple breaths before easing my feet back down. Still too chicken to try inverted crucifix, but tonight I definitely felt closer! 😀

  2. Oh my god…I was wondering why I couldn’t tuck spin and kept getting my bottom forearm stuck whenever I tried. I’ve been putting my inside hand high and my outside hand low…arg!!! I feel so silly! I love side climb and x-ankle climb – they are short-pole friendly. The pole strength routine kicks my butt every time! Haha!

  3. So after a small hiatus I finally completed this day. I started this program already being able to invert, but wanting to become stronger. Today I was able to invert, almost do an inverted crucifix, which I’ve been working on, but THEN out of nowhere, I did my first cobra dismount! I felt secure enough to just handstand and pole push my way down. I don’t think I could have done it without this program. Thank you!!!

  4. Question about split grips! In my final x climbs, my bottom (dominant) wrist had some shooting pains in it, and my grip gave out. Afterward my fingers in that hand were tingling as if they had fallen asleep. I am still having trouble with moving the fingers in that hand and feeling tingly… wondering if this has happened to anyone else, and if it’s likely due to a lack of wrist flexibility/strength, or poor form? Thanks in advance 🙂

  5. Sounds like you might have positioned your arm so the ulnar nerve became irritated. It should get better with time. If not always see a Dr. Make sure you’re always pushing throught the palm of the bottom hand and not fully gripping, causing the wrist to twist.

  6. I cannot do the ankle x climb, the pole hold spin, or anything that involves “floating” yourself up onto the pole. Is that just a strength issue? Other people make it look so easy