Day 23 Invert

Today you’ll focus on the invert. You’ll warm up with the Lower body routine and then move on to invert practice. Spend your time today working on timing allowing for a smooth effortless invert.
Invert Give this at least 4 tries on both sides, but no more than 10 attempts.
Floor invert Starts at minute 2:20 (Only work on this if you do not feel ready to invert from standing)
My last workout was August 2nd, I jumped in right from where I left off so today was hard. Still struggling big time, but, I did have less swing that before. I’m still sliding down, unable to get into crucifix. But I know it’s my fault, I need consistency
Don’t be hard on yourself! Enjoy this journey and just be happy you don’t have to come up with a plan! I did it for ya! 😀
Omg, so true! I’d be so lost without your plans!!
I’ve been trying to get an invert for almost 3 yrs. I’m not giving up.
Keep in mind this program can be done as many times as you like 😊