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Today you get to choose any of the stretching methods you’d like to work with. Passive, Active, Movement or Resistance. If you choose passive stretching hold for 30 seconds for 3 sets. For all other methods do 10 Reps or less. One more thing, please understand I don’t expect you to achieve a full Bridge/wheel or a full Camel, choose a variation for your level of flexibility.

Hard core warm up

Reverse bridge stretch

Spinal contractions

Cobra stretch

Shoulder stand pike stretch

Chest stretch

Bridge stretch or Half bridge

Camel stretch

Knee tuck


  1. It’s normal to not have the strength for this yet. When something more challenging or new is presented in the programs, think of it as an introduction to new movements. I never expect people to be able to do everything right away. Which is why it’s important to video your first attempts or at least write it down. This will allow you to see progress. The easier option is this

  2. Done! To my surprise I managed to do a half bridge and the camel stretch with blocks (without hurting my back, yay!). Your finger spreading tip really helped me get into the half bridge, but it was still really hurting my wrists. Should I just work more on strengthening them?

  3. Day 23 complete 💯✅ yaay can’t quite get the bridge but I tryed 😊 loved the rest though oh n camel is another I can’t reach at the same time but I can individually xxx ❤️