Day 27 Take Off

This day is meant to challenge you. It’s important to vary your training with more difficult and less difficult days. If you always workout this hard, you’d be more susceptible to overuse injuries, burn out and high cortisol levels and you don’t want that. More is not always better. On the flip side, if you only worked within your comfort level you wouldn’t see much growth.
Elbow stand prep Try this 3 times.
Reverse elbow and handstand Try this 3 times. It’s expected and perfectly normal to not achieve the full pose. Don’t forget to film your first attempts so you can look back and see how you’re improving.
Slink up Try this 3 times each side.
Smooth hip thrusts Try this for 30 seconds to 60 seconds
Leg waves Try this for 30 seconds to 60 seconds
Sexy layback Try this 3 times.
Cobra stretch 1 set holding for 30 seconds or longer
Frog stretch 1 set holding for 30 seconds or longer
That sexy legs and abs routine is HARD,I don’t know how you did it in heels!
the legs warm up was too difficult – was exhausted well before the end . Please consider amending to a more beginnrer friendly version
Feel free to make a note for yourself to do a different warm up when you see The sexy legs and abs routine listed. I suggest the Ticktock legs routine instead
Thanks – my legs are spent but it’s all good
Good day , bad day . All better than no try days !
those hip bumps had me flabbergasted XD makes mental note to practice more
the top arch of my first foot that I lift up to the pole hurts from doing the reverse elbow and handstand. Am I using my top arch too much?
Hi there! Actually, you should not be using the top of the foot. Your positioning should just be like in a climb where the pole is more along the
front of ankle. If you watch the video closely, you’ll see, I’m not placing the pole on the top of my foot. Hopefully that helps resolve the pain. ????
That makes sense now that I looked at the video again. I’m pretty sure I was using my top arch for more confidence and security ????♀️ I’m so glad I asked you.
I’m happy you asked too! ????
My word!!! That “warm-up” got me spent! In the best way possible. whewww
Hehe 😉
Day 27 ✅💯
Omg the sexy legs an abs warm up was hard but alot of fun 😂 progress on hand stands actually surprised myself and did it from the floor yay 😁 x
I’m really enjoying this an learning so much 😄
Thank you Veena 💕
Right?! it’s a challenging warm up! I’m glad you’re having fun!!