Day 5 Invert

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Today you’ll be focusing on strengthening your back. No warm up is needed for today as the exercises will be your warm up.

Perform 2 sets of each exercise doing 8 reps for each. Hold the hover for 10 seconds on each side. If you have time the back mobility routine would be a nice end to this workout.

Pole rows 2 sets 8 reps

Pole hold 2 sets 8 reps

High rows (no wide row is needed) 2 sets 8 reps

Lateral pull downs 2 sets 8 reps

Internal shoulder rotation 2 sets 8 reps

External shoulder rotation 2 sets 8 reps

Superman back 2 sets 8 reps

The hover Hold for 10 seconds per side

Back mobility routine


  1. The internal and external shoulder rotations feel fine while I’m doing them but the next day my triceps and biceps are sore (the “good” kind of muscle soreness, not pain). Am I supposed to get sore there from those exercises or am I doing them wrong?

  2. How much resistance you want will depend on the exercise you’re doing. Light resistance and high reps 12-20 is great for smaller muscle groups. Heavy resistance and lower reps 8-15 is best for larger muscle groups.

  3. Day 5 done :)! Really enjoying getting back into Pole with your classes Veena! I do have a small niggle when I am doing back stretching though and I get a horrible pain right at the base of my back. Is it just the process of stretching as I do spend too much time sitting due to work or could it be something more?