Day 7 Invert

Today you’ll focus on core again. Remember you’re only working the inverts from the floor, this will allow you to focus on leg placement and pulling the hips up high. Be sure to work both sides.
Start today’s session with the Hard core warm up
Perform 2 sets of each exercise
Floor invert 1-3 attempts, per side
Forward and back scapula 15 reps
Up and neutral scapula 15 reps
Internal shoulder rotation 15 reps, per side
External shoulder rotation 15 reps, per side
Hip flexor lifts 8 reps, per side
Plank tucks 8 reps, per side
Flowmotion routine Finish with this stretching routine if you have time.
Did day 7 today and I’m seeing significant improvements, Veena!! Yay for progress, and THANK YOU for another awesome training program!
I love the floor prep, and am getting better. I still can’t do the modified invert, even squatting very low to the floor, I don’t have that flexibility yet. Plus the lower I go, the harder it seems to make keeping the hips up. So I’m still doing those from the floor. That flowmotion routine is yummy and a perfect end to the workout!
It’s only the first week! Yes, the lower you go the more you’ll have to hold with the upper body! 💪ðŸ»ðŸ’ªðŸ»
I really thought plank tucks were going to be far more difficult than they were. Wohoo for progress!!
It took me 9 days to get through 7 lessons but it was well worth it. I actually inverted today, after many years of trying. I am glad I kept paying for my membership, no matter how long it took me to get committed. I love you Veena. Thank you.
That’s wonderful news! Diva!
This is so helpful, thank you Veena!
Thank you for this great program. I do already have my invert but actually my scapulas/shoulder muscles are really weak and not as flexible as I would like them to be. So I use this program for strenghtening and perfecting my inverts – especially on my weaker side.
Is it normal to feel/hear a slighlty crunchy or clicky noise from the shoulder joints whenever I do the scapula exercises? What can I do about it? It’s not hurting, just feels a bit weird.
Hi! My guess is things are ok as there’s no pain. Without seeing how you’re moving it’s hard to say for sure what’s up. Sometimes things are just tight, you could try using a foam roller or tennis ball on the scapula muscles before training. That might help!
🙂 Ok,relieved to hear that. Foam rolling before training is a great suggestion. Thank you!
Thank youuuu Veena! I am so excited, I finally inverted today 🙂
Where can I find the plank tuck? Is it like a mountain climber? Thank you!!!
Oh, looks like it didn’t update withe the new version! It’s added now. Find it with the others under the main video. Thanks for letting me know.
Hello! during the invert practice, when it’s time to shoot my hips up, the friction makes my outside leg’s ankle and calf hurt like hell. Do you have any advice? I tried with a sock and that helped but it seems like a crutch.
Actually a sock is a fine idea! You’ll get stronger and won’t need it at some point.