Day 7 Level 3

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Today is a fun day! Warm up with the Shoulder conditioning routine.

Then move onto the School girl routine 2. Practice the routine 2 or 3 times, then move on to Side sit up working on this at least 2 times each side.

Finish this day with combos 7 and 9. Work through these 2 times but no more than 5.

Complete today with stretches listed in the related tutorials. If you’ve noticed, I’m no longer including the direct links for the stretches. I’m assuming you’ve done previous programs and know them well.


  1. My brain isn’t comprehending the closed back hook…..I always end up going into an open one. Do you have an in depth video for that? I searched and couldn’t find one.

  2. Funnn! Loved today 😀 I ripped open a callous on my hand though and also kept trying to put both legs over the pole for the closed hook haha, figured it out in the end. My chair spin is definitely getting better, not quite as slow and controlled as yours.

    1. The combo is looking really good to me. What is it that you’re hoping to improve on? If you want more momentum, you simply have to continue to work on sweeping the free leg so you get more speed, but that all comes with time. It honestly looks really good.

        1. It honestly looks very good. I think it can be hard for people to remember that their movements won’t and shouldn’t look just like mine. We all have different body proportions and what you’re seeing is a professional do the combo, not someone who is just learning. 🙂