Day 7 Shoulder Mount

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Today you’ll be targeting the whole body! There is no warm up today as the strength videos will serve as the warm up. You’ll start with your shoulders and finishing today by working on the Shoulder mount techniques option which is different grips video.

Stay on the floor when training today. You can practice the variations while in pole shoulder rest or try the dismount option. However, you must have a solid Invert to crucifix or reverse handstand to work on the dismount. If you do choose to practice the Shoulder mount today, keep it under 10 attempts! Always us a crash mat and always tuck the chin into the chest when exiting from Crucifix.

Internal shoulder rotation 12 reps

External shoulder rotation 12 reps

Ab curls 8 reps

Pole push 8 reps

Pole rows 8 reps

Lateral pull downs 8 reps

The hover Hold for 2-5 breaths, each side

Dolphin push ups 8 reps

Shoulder and upper back stretch Hold for 30 seconds using passive stretching.


  1. I have completed this day as well. I am happy I managed to lift myself off the floor using some momentum when I tried the shoulder hold drill. I feel that my shoulders have gotten a little stronger.

  2. What if you can’t quite get your hips up to get your feet to the pole? I’m at level 1(first option) I can get my feet to the pole on one side but on my bad side i can’t quite get it there