Day 8 Shoulder Mount

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Today you’ll focus on pole work and full body training. I’ve placed the shoulder mount technique video at the end here if you need a refresher on the shoulder hold. If you don’t, you can skip that video and go on to the strength routine.

Begin today with the Easy performance warm up then work on Up and neutral scapula for 15 reps before moving on the the listed tricks and routine.

Invert to crucifix 2 times, each side

Fan legs 4 times, each side

Tuck spin 2 times, both directions

V carousel spin 2 times, both directions

Follow along with the Shoulder mount strength routine!


  1. Hi Veena!
    Loving the lessons – especially since I can’t go to classes atm.
    With the shoulder rest reps, does that mean 3 X sets (of 6/8) each side? Or 3 time each side (6 all up)?
    Thanks 😊