Day 9 Invert

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A strong back is necessary for safely inverting and preventing injury and your back is part of your core! Though most people only think about abdominals and lower back as core. Start today by warming up with the Pole strength routine.

Perform 2 sets of each exercise

Internal shoulder rotations 12 reps, per side

External shoulder rotations 12 reps, per side

High rows 10 reps, per side You don’t need wide rows and you can do this gripping the pole high if you don’t have an exercise band.

Lateral pull downs 10 reps, per side

Superman back 10 reps

The hover Hold 12 seconds 2 times, per side


  1. Hi Veena, it appears that Day 9 of the Invert program has been uploaded to the wrong section i.e. Pole Quick Lessons, instead to the “Nailed It Pole Programs” section. (:

  2. Hi Veena! Can I clarify the meaning of two sets for the above.
    Does it mean, for example, Shoulder Internal Rotation:
    a) 2x of 12 on each side, hence, 24 reps for both left and right OR
    b) 1x of 12 on each side

  3. Just wanted to post a big, big “THANK YOU!” Day 9 and my aerial invert is already consistent on my good side. Just have to pretty it up and get it consistent on my dork side now. 🙂 Your programs really work. I was obsessed with my abs but the real problem was in my back and arms. I was stuck for months until I worked on some of these other muscles. I took a little longer to get to day 9 because I had to take some rest days due to pole class. I can’t wait to see how my invert improves by day 30!