Front Splits Class Day 5

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Mantra – I am confident

Today’s tips: Focus on the sensations you feel during today’s session. Maybe you’ll feel strong and powerful when using resistance stretching and when passive stretching, maybe you’ll feel relaxed and comfortable! Whatever emotions come up it’s ok, don’t try to push them away. Listen and accept. If things pop up that you label as uncomfortable or stressful, back off from the stretch and take a breath. Stop and remind yourself that you are safe. You’re safe because you’ve chosen to listen and honor your bodies cues. Before moving into the stretch again, I want you to think about something you love or find enjoyable then move into the stretch again, if you feel calm and ready.

Steps to develop a better sense of safety in your sessions:

  • Be aware of and honor any negative thoughts or sensations
  • Stop the stretch
  • Take a minute or two to find a sense of happiness and calm
  • Start the stretch again

Items you’ll need for class:


  1. One of the best thigns about these videos is that you give us permission to back off if we need to, I’ve done splits classes before at a studio and injured myself due to pusihing past what my body was able to cope with

    1. I’m sorry you’ve had that experience, unfortunately it’s pretty common 🙁 Because of how our bodies work, it’s really important that you’re unconscious mind also feels safe which can take time for new (positive) neural pathways to developed after it’s learned that stretching equals pain or injury.

      Keep at it, you’ve got this!