Getting Started Stretching (FREE)

Welcome to the Stretching and Flexibility section of my tutorials.

Things you’ll need:

  • Yoga mat (optional). Click here to purchase or browse similar items. The brand I selected has a choice of thickness and many colors.
  • Yoga block or blocks. Click here to purchase or browse similar items. The brand I selected includes two blocks and I strap.
  • Yoga strap. Click here to purchase or browse similar items.
  • A selection of resistance bands. Click here to purchase or browse similar items. The bands I selected come with a massage ball.
  • Peanut or tennis ball. Click here to purchase or browse.

All stretches and muscle release techniques (MRT) are grouped together according to the muscle group used in those tutorials. The foam roller and ball massage tutorials for (MRT) are placed before the stretches that it coordinates with.

Click here to see my list of ROUTINES to follow along with.

Click here to take you back to the full list of stretching tutorials.


  1. Hey Veena!!!
    Long time no see!!! I missed you so much!!! ???????? I pray that you and all your loved ones are safe and blessed and all is well with your souls. ????????????????
    I would love to reconnect and support you and your business and peruse what services you offer. I have probably more than a few questions.
    I’d love to work on my flexibility as I’ve been stagnant long as since the last time I’ve been here. ???????????? So many life changes, trials and tribulations but I’m still here by the grace of GOD. And you too!!! Glory to His name. ???????????? But I’d really like to work on that area despite some medical issues I’m dealing through. I’m hoping you and your program can be something that will help me attain greatly noticable results and improvements in my flexibility. Since pain and I, most unfortunately, are very familiar, I decided I would work to take active steps to improve my health and quality of being. Not so much for myself as I don’t care what happens to me because I know Jesus INTIMATELY and I know Christ loves us so much he suffered and died for us but he resurrected so ALL our sins can be washed away and we can be made whole! ???????????? Thank you Jesus ????????
    But yet we still have to do our and one of those parts is taking care of our bodies as they are a temple of the HOLY SPIRIT, so that involves making wise choices about what we consume and how we condition our bodies. So recently, I’ve quit smoking, went vegan, read products labels extensively, try to avoid GMO based products as best I can, fast food, processed and fake foods, junk food, diary, etc., do tons of extensively research about all diverse topics relative to improvement of my condition and others, etc., seeing my many many many many ????????????doctors and specialists various diverse kinds following their instructions, listening to EVERYONE’S little two cents about their lil’ miracle cures, remedies, and our oh so ever so brilliant ”All you got to do is” fixes that they always think have for everyone else’s problems but their own. ????
    But I disagress…
    I’m not unappreciative of everyone who genuine wants to help ppl and have real love in their heart. Please don’t get me wrong. ???? They are my reason for doing this! Not them alone but EVERYONE. I want to get healthy so I can go out and give to the world and take care of people but Im unable do that efficiently and safely as current climate and circumstances dictate, if I require care and resources myself and I require much much much care, as we all do in our own individual and unique ways.
    Children of GOD love, serve, and minister to each other and address each others needs
    It’s that I’m trying to do whatever it takes without my own power, GOD’S will, and whatever love and care comes to me from the world. I can only sit back as a witness of Jesus, HOLY SPIRIT, and FATHER GOD and His amazing grace, and the grace of whoever chooses to show it to me and try to give back as much as I can, and be here and available for ppl when they need me.
    My mother is about to turn 71 and my sister lost her only daughter and she left behind a toddler, my great nephew. Neither of those women are the healthiest but they do what they gotta do. I want to be able to help them and everyone else I can when in need without burdening them by turning it right back around by then me being the one to need help! ????????????
    Of course, that isn’t even the tip of the iceberg, you can’t even see it, it’s still submerged deeper than the Mariana Trench ????????????
    But at least maybe I can get some kind of progress made towards alleviatation or at least some noticable comfort or relief of my pain and/or addressing of my flexibility concerns with you and your programs as I can already vouch for them and you from past experiences!!!
    So as usual, I talk too much and go crazy about GOD. (???????????? I already know I’m so sorry if you are grieved. I try to work on it but GOD’s hand is in EVERYTHING and so direct in my face personal wise regarding me and His encounters so it’s kinda hard to keep Him out of it ????????????) So sorry if anyone is grieved by me. ???????????????? We also haven’t connected in awhile so me being abrupt would have left me wanting. And maybe just to tell you a little bit about myself being open and get you a better ensight of me and my needs and what services you provide that can best address them.
    I try to be as thorough as possible while also trying to be quick and concise but that’s apparently one of my biggest struggles because I get very emotional, ESPECIALLY when bullies, women, children, and innocent bystanders are involved, there is danger involved and someone is at risk of hurt, pain, suffering…
    It is just very good to be back here and see you ???????????????????????????????????????????????? and I’m glad GOD put it in my mind to look you up today just out of the blue and you look gorgeous and are still amazing and incredible and I’m so glad you are still here after all this time weathering the storm. Superb absolutely astounding feats of excellence and accomplishments beyond measure and you should be extremely proud, uplifted, and encouraged!!! I wish you all the best in the world and the greatest it has to offer and I hope and I pray for you things really that are already done anyway in GOD because GOD is always loving, blessing, and covering you under the blood of Jesus and He has a hedge of protection around you and everyone connected to you. I plead the unceasing blood of Christ Jesus for entire creation right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    GOD’s will be done
    Much love
    MOST HIGH GOD YHVH manifest!
    MOST HIGH GOD bless

    1. It’s wonderful to hear from you again, though I’m sad to learn you’re dealing with health issues. The Flexiblity program would be a nice place to start or the no pole program as it’s not too intense. My tutorials have changed so much since you were last here and I hope you’ll find them to be beneficial.

      I’m glad you’ve found a greater purpose in your life and I truly believe we are all connected and love is always the right answer.